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A smooth surface is not actually smooth; it may have many microscopic bumps on its surface.

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Yes, it's just that the friction is to small to be noticed

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Q: Why some friction occur with seemingly smooth surface?
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Why does some friction occur with seemingly smoth surfaces?

Some friction will occur with seemingly smooth surfaces because at a molecular level, nothing is smooth.

Why does some friction occur with seeminly smooth surface?

Even though the surface appears the microscopic level the surface has some peaks and cracks .when it slides over any other surface friction occurs. the seemingly smooth surface has some friction.

Why does some friction occur with a seemingly smooth surface?

I don't know... but everyone my heart is broken by a guy I like

Why does some friction occur with seemingly smooth surfacers?

Because on the molecular level, they are not smooth No surface is perfectly smooth and even if it were, many molecules of the two surfaces would get close enough together to interact.

Why does some friction occur on smooth surfaces?

Some friction will occur on smooth surfaces because even the smoothest of surfaces isn't completely smooth. There are bumps and cracks on the face of the surface when "zooming in" to a microscopic level.

Why friction does not occur in smooth surfaces?

It is wrong to say that friction doesn't occur in smooth surface.. As ideally, no such surface exists, which has 0 value of friction. We can say that the magnitude of friction force is less in smooth surfaces as compared to that in rough surfaces. Friction opposes the motion of a body. When we go to the molecular level, we can see that the surface of a plane is not smooth but rough.. We cannot see that roughness through naked eyes. But the amount of roughness differs from object to object. The so called smooth surfaces have less roughness as compared to un-smooth surfaces. Hence, the magnitude of friction is LESS in smooth surfaces...

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Can Friction occur in a vacuum?

Yes, in general friction can occur in a vacuum, but the only kind of friction that doesn't occur in a vacuum is, of course, air friction. There is no drag force on an object falling in a vacuum.

Where does friction occur in a running car?

There are plenty of friction occurring in a running car. Here are some examples:a) the different parts like the pistons, and the different gears and shafts in its main engine.b)The cars breaking system which uses its brake-pads and this discs breaks using friction to stop the car.c)The car moves forward or stop by means of friction between its tires and the road

Does friction acts only on rough surfaces?

no friction applies to all contacting stuffs; air, water, glass, buttcracks. No, friction can be found when two objects of mass touch. Friction can occur between two solid objects, two liquids, and even two gases. It can occur on an global scale, as well as a molecular one. Friction is simply defined as "the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another."

What is friction affected by?

Weight and surface affect friction. The more mass an object has more friction that will occur ex:/ It would be harder to slide an elephant across a floor than a hockey puck. This is because the large amount of friction on the elephant would slow it down. The smoother the surface the less friction. ex:/ There will be more friction on a floor of sandpaper than there would be on a floor of ice.

How does Friction occur in liquids?

friction affects in any Circumtances