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Due to the equation F=ma were F is the force, m is the mass, a is the acceleration. Since the raindrop has such little mass (about 4mg. That's about 0.000004kg) and has the same acceleration all the time (9.8ms^-1). When these 2 are times together it give the force. So when a average raindrop falls on your head the amount of force it will apply to your head is 0.0000392N. Not a lot!

Due to the equation F=ma were F is the force, m is the mass, a is the acceleration. Since the raindrop has such little mass (about 4mg. That's about 0.000004kg) and has the same acceleration all the time (9.8ms^-1). When these 2 are times together it give the force. So when a average raindrop falls on your head the amount of force it will apply to your head is 0.0000392N. Not a lot!

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Terminal velocity depends on mass and surface area

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Q: Why we don't get hurt by raindrops even they fall with great velocity?
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