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No it would not work because an insulator stops electrons from moving from moving to atom to atom so there is no way to get a charge to the metal leaves

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Q: Would metal leaf electroscope experiment work if the terminal were made out of an insulator?
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What can an electroscope determine?

An electroscope would detect an electrical charge.

What would you use to see if something is charged?

an Electroscope

An example of a insulator?

An insulator has several different meanings. The two most common are an electrical insulator and a thermal insulator. an electrical insulator would be polyethylene. a thermal insulator would be wool.

Is a rubber duck an insulator or a conductor?

an insulator

What would happen if you touched a positive electroscope with a positive rod?

The leaves of electroscope will diverge a little more because more positive charges will flow from a positive rod

How the charges on the body may be determined by using an electroscope?

when a substance is electrically charged it has either too few or too many electrons. when the electroscope is brought near a charged object the electrons 'jump' if the substance had too many electrons then the extras would 'jump' to the electroscope giving it a negative charge if the substance had too few electrons then the electrons from the electroscpe would 'jump' to the substance, giving the electroscope a positive charge

What would make a good insulator?

A nonmetal would make a good insulator.

What happens when a charged electroscope is connected to an uncharged electroscope by a metal wire?

Charge would flow from the charged electroscope to the initially uncharged one, until the charges are equal on both. At that point, the potential on both ends of the wire would be equal, there would be no voltage across the wire, and no more current would flow. Both electroscopes would then be charged, with charge of the same sign, and with half as much charge as the initially-charged one had.

Is an electroscope similar to an x-ray?

i do not know if this would be righ but they are not the same because x-ray finds the radiatin not the electri charge like the electroscope does that's what i think. by:nivesh and fawazz and gurman

What would change about the way an electroscope worked if its metal knob was replaced with a plastic one?

you would adapt one.

Is a spoon a insulator or a conductors?

A metal spoon would be a conductor, but a plastic one would be an insulator.🍴

Is a spoon a conductor or insulator?

A metal spoon would be a conductor, but a plastic one would be an insulator.🍴