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Q: Wy is the transfer of energy and matter in a food chain only about 10 percent efficient?
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Why is the transfer of energy and matter in a food chain only about 10 efficient?

Because 90% is released into the environment asheat...............i think..............

What wave can transfer energy by vibrating particles of matter?

transfer energy by vibrating particles of matter

Waves transfer _?


The transfer of thermal energy in matter with no overall transfer of matter is called?


The transfer of thermal energy in matter wih no overall transfer of matter is called?


Can a mechanical wave transfer matter?

No waves do not transfer matter but it transfers only the energy

How electromagnetic waves transfer energy to matter?

Electromagnetic waves transfer energy to matter by heating up matter and changing configuration of matter including fission, breaking matter up.

What transfer of energy does require matter?

Radiation does not require matter.

Does radiation transfer energy by moving neutrinos?

Neutrinos are one form of radiation, but not a very efficient one for transferring energy since they readily penetrate most forms of matter. Other forms of radiation such as alpha, beta, gamma, and even neutrons are more effective at energy transfer.

Do all EM waves transfer matter from place to place?

False. EM Waves do not transfer matter, they transfer energy.

Can waves carry energy and matter?

Waves can transfer energy.

Which energy transfer can take place with little or no matter present?

The type of energy transfer that can take place with little or no matter present is radiation.