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According to it does. The article is called for blue flowers remember lobelia.

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Q: Does lobelia erinus contain lobeline
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Related questions

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the annual flower Lobelia?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Lobelia erinus.

What are the active medicinal properties of lobelia?

Lobeline, chelidonic acid, isolobeline, lobelic acid, lobeline, selenium, sulfur, beta-amyrin palmitate, chromium, among other substances.

What is the Latin name of the lobelia plant?

The Latin name of the lobelia plant is Lobelia inflata.

Is Lobeline an analog of nicotine?

It is an Alkaloid.

When was Lobelia monostachya created?

Lobelia monostachya was created in 1988.

What was Lobelia Sackville-Baggins maiden name?

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins maiden name was Bracegirdie.

How many species of the lobelia plant are there?

There are over 400 species of plants in the Lobelia genus.

What happens if you overwater lobelia?

Overwatering lobelia can lead to root rot, wilting of leaves, declining health, and eventually death of the plant. It is important to allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering to prevent waterlogged conditions for lobelia.

What perennial has flowers like lobelia?


What are examples of antispasmodic herbs used to treat back pain?

Lobelia (Lobelia inflata ) and myrrh (Commiphora molmol ) are two examples of antispasmodic herbs.

How is synthesis psudoalkaloid ocurre?

psudoalkaloids are 1 caffiene 2 hygrine 3 arecoline 4 lobeline

What is the recommended preparation of lobelia?

For internal use lobelia is prepared as a tea or tincture. Sometimes the dried herb is smoked. For external use the herb is prepared as a salve.