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Q: Is a seeweed a plant
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What is a plant that lives near stingrays?

Kelp, seeweed, and coral .

Is seeweed an abioitic factor or a biotic factor?

Seaweed is a plant so it is a biotic factor. The word bio- means life and seaweeds are living.

Are seaweeds a plant?

Seaweeds are not plants it is a type of algae

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seeweed feeds other animals in the ocean.the animals that ate the seeweed gets eaten by another bigger animal.

What Plants live in an aquatic environment?

Coral, seeweed

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grass and seeweed

What is seeweed in spanish?

La alga/las algas

What kind of plants live in a lake?

To be onest, seeweed

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Is seeweed is a plant?

Yes, seaweed is a type of algae and not a plant. Algae belong to a different group of organisms that do not have roots, stems, or leaves like plants.