William Wordsworth had a deep reverence for children, considering them to possess a natural wisdom and purity that adults often lose as they grow older. He believed that children had a closer connection to nature and the divine, and often wrote poetry that celebrated their imaginative and innocent spirits.
"Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." I didn't know exactly what Wordsworth meant then. But I now realize how true this is, and Wordsworth in a way was right. Natural disasters are happening because most people around the world don't really care for Mother Nature. She can't help what's happening. She doesn't betray, it's peole who betray her- by not taking care of her, by polluting her, by killing her forests. And right now, I can't agree more that we need prayers and also a sincere promise that we will do our best to take care of Mother Nature's gifts, which is actually God's gifts to us.
William Wordsworth was a poet and is considered one of the major poets of the Romantic movement in English literature. He is best known for his lyric and nature poems that celebrated the beauty of the natural world. Throughout his life, Wordsworth relied on financial support from friends and family, as well as income from his poetry and prose writing.
they loved nature!
he loved nature, and he loved to goof off.
Electronic Sonata for Souls Loved by Nature was created on 1969-04-28.
It's our human nature that we share emotions, and our heart is our source of emotions of love and hate. When something you love is gone or destroyed, so does your heart, because it's your hearts desire to feel and be loved.
Tu lo amabas con todo tu corazon = You loved him with all your heart?
Teddy Roosevelt
Sarah loved the dog with all her heart.
You jus have to follow your heart
He lived his life in nature as he born where field was near so he used to go there and write poems on nature.And people loved his poems about nature so they start calling him Poet of Nature.And he used to thought deeply about nature which people loved it so that was also the reason of calling him poet of nature.