The phrase "crack is whack" was popularized by American singer Whitney Houston during an interview in the 1980s when discussing the dangers of crack cocaine. However, the phrase was actually painted on a mural in Harlem by artist Keith Haring in 1986 to bring awareness to the dangers of drug addiction.
"Crack is whack" is a phrase used to convey that crack cocaine is dangerous and harmful. It is often used in anti-drug campaigns to discourage people from using crack cocaine due to its negative effects on health and well-being.
1. Crack is whack2. Crack is whack3. Crack is whack4. Crack is whack5. Crack is whack
crack, whack lack
they may randomly catch on fire and if you leave them in a space for long enough you may come back to a colony of crackers as they have been known to start civilisations so beware of those crackers!
because crack is whack! show me the receipts....
back, hack, attack, lack, knack, pack, rack, sack, tack, whack, yak, kayak, snack, stack, wrack, crack, plaque
Light snack, bend back, take that, smack, crack, whack, shack
You make rhymes that will make them mad such as "you so whack you can't afford crack!" (example)
crack is whack OR drug free is the way to be OR get high on life./.not on grugs
Pokemon is whack and pikachu is on crack and those fat crapers are back but i know Pokemon is bull @$@%
crack, black, whack, mac, jack, lack, knack, quack
Back, crack, hack, jack, lack, knack, pack, sack, slack, smack, snack, tack, whack.