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There have always been individuals in the Church who have been corrupt as every single individual who ever lived, saving Our Blessed Lord, and His Mother, have been sinners. The Church, however, is the Body of Christ, and Our Blessed Lord promised the Holy Spirit to guide Her until the end of the world. The Catholic Church is incapable of being corrupt, although individuals within her, including Popes, may be. To say that the Church was corrupt is to say that Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, was corrupt, which is nonsense. The vast majority of corrupt individuals during the Renaissance was neither more nor less than at any other time in history, it has just gotten a lot more press because heretics used corrupt individuals as an excuse to leave the Church and start their own religions. The Catholic Church, however, was never corrupt, and could never be.

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1mo ago

During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church was involved in corrupt practices such as the sale of indulgences. Indulgences were essentially a way for people to pay for the forgiveness of their sins, leading to accusations of exploitation and misuse of power within the Church.

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8y ago

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There is no corrupt practice in the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ founded the Church and promised His Apostles that the Holy Spirit will be with it until the end of time. To call any practice of the Church corrupt is to call Jesus corrupt - and that is Blasphemy. God can who neither deceive nor be deceived could not by His very nature allow His Holy Church to be corrupt in its practices.

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8y ago

here has been corrupt practice in the Catholic Church. One corrupt practice of the Church was the purchase and sale of votes for election to the office of Pope, a practice that occurred time and again during the Middle Ages. We can say this was a common practice of papal candidates, or we can say it was a practice of the college of cardinals, or we can say it was a practice of a great many bishops, but as it was both widespread and persistent, it is a practice of the Church, one that is hopefully no longer present.

Financial scandals has surfaced from time to time in recent centuries. Cardinal Pell has been appointed to a senior Vatican role to improve accountability, but even he has been criticised in this role, as well as being linked to the cover-up of paedophilia in Australia.

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11y ago

Sale of indulgences was a corrupt practice and this was condemned by the Church. Such sale is called simony.

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What is a corrupt cardinal?

A corrupt cardinal is a high-ranking official in the Catholic Church who is involved in unethical or illegal activities, such as embezzlement, bribery, or abuse of power. This goes against the principles of integrity and morality expected of clergy members within the Church.

Is the Catholic Church as corrupt in real life as it in the Godfather?

The portrayal of corruption in the Catholic Church in "The Godfather" is fictional and exaggerated for dramatic effect. While the Church, like any large institution, has faced scandals and controversies, it is not as systematically corrupt as depicted in the movie. It is important to distinguish between fiction and reality when considering the portrayal of any institution in a film.

The most corrupt church in the world is in which country?

It is subjective to label a specific church as the most corrupt in the world. Corruption can exist in various institutions globally, and attributing it to a specific church or location may not be accurate.

Is a monk's job to tell the Catholic Church if they are being corrupt?

While it's not a monk's specific job to police the Catholic Church for corruption, monks are called to maintain integrity and moral values within their own communities. If a monk witnesses corruption within the Church, they may choose to address it through proper channels or seek guidance from higher authorities. Ultimately, the responsibility for addressing corruption within the Catholic Church lies with its leaders and members as a whole.

What does the catholic church do about corrupt leaders?

The Catholic Church takes allegations of corruption among its leaders seriously and may investigate the claims internally. Depending on the severity of the allegations, the Church may take disciplinary action, including removal from office. Ultimately, the Church aims to uphold the principles of integrity and ethical conduct among its leaders.

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Who started the Protestant Reformation by objecting to the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church?

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AnswerThere were several issues over which the Protestants and Catholics were in dispute, but the factor common to almost all issues was that the Protestants felt that the Catholic Church had become corrupt. This is highlighted by the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church, the very practice that led Martin Luther, professor of biblical studies and Augustine monk, initially to seek reform within the Church.

What was wrong with the Catholic church's in 1500?

The Catholic Church had become corrupt unfourtantely and priests and even the pope over used their power. They did such things as charged money for absolution.