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Taxation is related to political risk because of international taxes, which political risk helps to determine.

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3d ago

Taxation policies can contribute to political risk by affecting investor confidence and impacting profitability of businesses. Sudden changes in tax laws or high tax rates can create uncertainty and instability in a country, leading to potential investment retraction. Investors often consider the stability and predictability of a country's tax regime when assessing political risk.

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What is difference between political risk insurance and war risk insurance?

Political risk insurance typically covers risks associated with government actions such as expropriation or currency restrictions, while war risk insurance specifically covers risks related to war and civil unrest. War risk insurance may include coverage for damage to property and business interruption caused by war.

What other discipline which are related to political science?

Other disciplines related to political science include international relations, public administration, law, sociology, and economics. These disciplines often overlap with political science in areas such as policy-making, governance, and understanding the behavior of individuals and institutions in political contexts.

What is the subject area of political science?

Political science is the study of government systems, political behavior, and public policies. It encompasses topics such as political theory, comparative politics, international relations, and public administration. Political scientists analyze how power is distributed, how decisions are made, and how policies are implemented within societies.

What does political scientist study other than government?

Political scientists study the theory and practice of politics, including political behavior, political systems, international relations, public policy, and the influence of political institutions on society. They may also analyze issues related to public opinion, political communication, and political ideologies.

What are the nine branches that can be related to political science?

Comparative Politics Political Theory International Relations Public Administration Public Policy Political Philosophy Political Sociology Political Economy Political Methodology