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Education helps people become good citizens for many reasons.

It gives them options. Many people find something they have an affinity for or are passionate about while exploring in school. Getting an education also greatly increases opportunities for employment. Options mean people will be less inclined to make bad choices, when they have a good opportunity.

It helps people understand each other. They key to a productive society (on local, national, and global scale) is understanding one another, which enables us all to respect each other. Education provides information about people and processes around the world, making it easier for people to relate to others that are "different" and to see them as fellow humans. When we see each other as fellow humans, rather than "the others" or some other categorization, people behave much better.

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Education can help individuals develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and a sense of civic responsibility. By learning about societal issues, history, and the workings of government, individuals can make informed decisions, participate actively in their communities, and contribute positively to society.

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Is getting an education a responsibility of a citizen?

Yes, obtaining an education is often considered a responsibility of a citizen because it can contribute to personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. Education provides individuals with skills and knowledge that can empower them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and make informed decisions as active members of society.

What does a goodactivecaring citizen look like?

A good, active, and caring citizen is someone who is engaged in their community, participates in civic activities, and shows compassion towards others. They are informed about important issues, seek to make a positive impact, and are inclusive and respectful towards all members of society.

What type of government in which a citizen elected group run the government?

A citizen-elected group running the government typically refers to a democratic form of government, where representatives are elected by the people to make decisions on their behalf. This system allows for the participation of citizens in decision-making processes and ensures that the government is accountable to the people.

What is kothari commission?

The Kothari Commission, officially known as the National Education Commission 1964-66, was a committee set up by the Government of India to examine the Indian education system and make recommendations for its improvement. The commission's report emphasized the need for a more holistic approach to education, including equal access to education for all and a focus on vocational and practical skills.

Significance of political science?

Political science is significant as it helps us understand how governments function, how policies are made, and how power is distributed and exercised in society. It provides insights into political behavior, public opinion, and international relations, helping us make informed decisions as citizens and leaders. Additionally, the study of political science is crucial for fostering a functioning democracy and promoting good governance.

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Is getting an education a responsibility of a citizen?

Yes, obtaining an education is often considered a responsibility of a citizen because it can contribute to personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. Education provides individuals with skills and knowledge that can empower them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and make informed decisions as active members of society.

What problem-solving techniques will help make you a good citizen?

The ability to solve conflicts involving others peacefully will make you a good citizen.

Why will you make a good teacher?

to get good education

What does a good citizens know?

A good citizen will know the laws that surround them. They will also abide by said laws. A good citizen will also make sure that they are setting a good example.

How you can make money?

Get a good education then a good job.

What is the role and responsibilities of a citizen?

The role of good citizen is to contribute to the siciety. Good citizens vote to make themself productive,pay taxesand educate them

How do you become a good citizen of our country?

Help others when they are in need. Maybe help an old lady across the street? Have pride in your community and look out for it. Just being a nice person can make you a pleasant citizen.

How can you Make Making Money?

Get a good education then a good job.

What is the role and responsibility of a good citizen?

The obligations of a good citizen are to obey the laws of the land and to earn an honest living. The good citizen also needs to vote and to abstain from any actions that paint the country in bad light.

What were the options in ancient china for kids to get a good education?

they were forced to make a good education or else they would have to be in china forever

How do you make 150 k per year?

Good education, good job.