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Presidential-parliamentary democracy (insurgency

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Sri Lanka has a semi-presidential system of government, where the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government. The Parliament is the legislative body of the government.

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Q: What government does srilanka have?
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Write a brief note on power sharing arrangement of belgium and srilanka?

Belgium has a power-sharing system based on linguistic and regional representation to accommodate the Dutch-speaking Flemish and French-speaking Walloons. Sri Lanka's power-sharing arrangement involves a unitary system with devolution of power to provinces, particularly for the Tamil-majority Northern and Eastern provinces after the civil war. Both countries aim to address ethno-linguistic diversity through inclusive governance structures.

In which form of government are all powers held by a central government?

In a unitary form of government, all powers are held by a central government. This type of government is characterized by a strong central authority that delegates limited powers to subnational entities.

What system of government gives all key powers to the national government?

A unitary system of government gives all key powers to the national government. In this system, local or regional governments derive authority from the central government, which retains ultimate control over all aspects of governance. Examples include the United Kingdom and Japan.

A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is?

A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is a Representative Government.

What does the 7 principles of government have to do with the constitution?

The 7 principles of government - popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, federalism, and individual rights - are foundational concepts reflected in the US Constitution. The Constitution establishes the framework for how the government operates and embodies these principles to ensure a system of government that is fair, balanced, and accountable to the people.