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For a majority system, all that is required to reach a decision is that a majority of voters prefer one alternative to another. In a two-thirds majority system (also known as supermajority), two-thirds of voters must prefer one alternative to another for it to be decided. This means more support is necessary under supermajority than under simple majority rule.

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A simple majority vote requires more than half of the total votes to pass a measure, while a two-thirds majority vote requires at least two-thirds of the total votes to pass a measure. In practical terms, this means that a simple majority could be 51% of the votes, whereas a two-thirds majority would typically be closer to 67% of the votes.

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What is the difference between a bill and veto?

A bill is proposed legislation that must pass through the steps of the legislative process to become law. A veto is when the president or governor rejects a bill, preventing it from becoming law unless overridden by a certain majority in the legislative body.

Which branch can have the us agree to a treaty with a foreign country?

The Executive branch has the authority to negotiate and enter into treaties with foreign countries. However, the Senate must ratify the treaty by a two-thirds majority before it becomes legally binding.

Which characteristics describe middle income nations?

Middle income nations typically have a moderate level of economic development, with GDP per capita falling between low income and high-income countries. They often exhibit a growing middle class, with improving living standards and access to basic services. However, they may still face challenges such as inequality, limited infrastructure, and dependence on foreign investment.

The senates influence in the area of foreign policy is through its approval power of treaties?

Yes, the Senate plays a critical role in the realm of foreign policy by having the authority to ratify or reject international treaties negotiated by the President. This power ensures that there is a system of checks and balances in place when it comes to shaping the United States' relationships with other countries.

Which country has the highest rate of physical abuse toward women?

Papua New Guinea has one of the highest rates of physical abuse towards women, with studies showing that over two-thirds of women in the country have experienced domestic violence.

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What is the difference between simple majority and two thirds majority?

Simple majority is over half of everyone. i.e. 51/100 Two thirds majority is two thirds of everyone. i.e. 66.6666666.../100

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A two-thirds majority means that 2/3 of a voting body is required to agree to something. A simple majority means that one vote more than 1/2 is required. For example, in the U.S. Senate, a 2/3 majority is 67 out of 100 senators, and a simple majority is 51 out of 100. In the case of a tie vote of 50 yes votes and 50 no votes, the Vice President, who is president of the Senate, casts a vote to break the tie.

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The difference is two thirds (2/3) To answer these questions, one needs to turn mixed fractions, such as eight and two thirds, into (im)proper fractions, such as twenty six thirds. The question then becomes what is the difference between 26 thirds and 28 thirds. The answer: 28/3-26/3 = (28-26)/3 = 2/3

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one sixth

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A two-thirds majority of the Senators voting is required to convict the President from office. (A simple majority in the House suffices to impeach and force the Senate to hold a trial.)

What margin is required to convict and remove a president?

A two-thirds majority of the Senate is required to convict the President from office. A simple majority in the House suffices to impeach and force the Senate to hold a trial.

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i believe it's three-fourths. someone correct me if I'm wrong it must receive the support of two thirds of its members

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While the House of Representatives can impeach a president on a simple majority vote, the Senate must receive a two-thirds majority in favor of the impeachment for the resolution to pass. Justifications for impeachment includes treason, bribery and/or other high crimes.

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with a two thirds majority vote