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Republican party.

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2d ago

White supremacists do not align with any one political party. Their beliefs and actions are based on racial hatred and discrimination, which can transcend political affiliations. While there have been individuals who identify as white supremacists from various political backgrounds, their beliefs are not representative of any specific party.

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Q: What political party do white supremacists belong to?
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What political party did Dante belong?

White guelphs

What happened to South Carolina during the Reconstruction period?

During Reconstruction, South Carolina underwent significant political and social changes. The state was placed under military rule, freedmen gained political rights, and African Americans were elected to political office. However, this progress was met with backlash from white supremacists in the form of violence, which ultimately led to the end of Reconstruction in the state and the establishment of discriminatory Jim Crow laws.

What people made up the two major political parties in Reconstruction Era South Carolina?

During the Reconstruction Era in South Carolina, the two major political parties were the Republican Party, composed of former slaves, carpetbaggers, and scalawags, and the Democratic Party, made up of white Southerners who opposed equal rights for freed slaves. The Republican Party supported civil rights for African Americans and government intervention to promote social and economic equality, while the Democratic Party sought to maintain white supremacy and limit the rights of African Americans.

What is the freedom summer project?

The Freedom Summer project was a 1964 voter registration drive aimed at increasing political participation among African Americans in Mississippi. Organized by civil rights groups like SNCC and CORE, volunteers faced violence and intimidation from white supremacists. The project helped bring national attention to the struggle for voting rights and civil rights in the South.

What social group dominated the south's economy and political system?

White landowning planters dominated the South's economy and political system before the Civil War. They controlled the majority of the region's agricultural production and held political power through their influence in state legislatures and Congress.

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