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A shortcoming of the constructivist view of international relations is its potential to overlook the role of material factors, such as economics, military power, and geography, in shaping international outcomes. Additionally, constructivism's emphasis on ideas, norms, and identities may not fully account for systemic constraints or patterns in international relations. Lastly, constructivism's focus on social construction and agency may lead to overlooking the role of power dynamics and interests in shaping world politics.

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Q: What statements best describes a shortcoming of the constructivist view of international relations?
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Which of the following statements best describes a shortcoming of the constructionist view of international relations?

A shortcoming of the constructionist view of international relations is its potential lack of emphasis on material factors such as military power or economic strength, which are crucial in shaping states' behaviors and interactions in the international system. Constructionism focuses more on how social constructs influence international relations, potentially overlooking the tangible power dynamics that play a significant role in shaping global politics.

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I have experience setting clear, measurable performance goals that align with overall objectives. I regularly track progress, provide feedback, and adjust goals as needed to drive performance improvement.

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Mount Meager is a volcanic complex located in British Columbia, Canada. It is known for being one of the most potentially dangerous volcanoes in Canada due to its history of large landslides and explosive eruptions. The last major eruption occurred around 2,400 years ago.

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The word that describes something real is "genuine."

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Interstate commerce describes the selling and transporting of goods from one state to another.

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