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Bribery and corruption erode the public trust in public services and officials. This distrust and lack of productive use of resources slows economic growth. Also, because using bribery and corruption an armed robber can remain free to rob more people.

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Bribery and corruption undermine the trust and integrity of institutions and systems, leading to long-term negative consequences on society and the economy. They erode democratic processes and fuel inequality by giving unfair advantages to a few individuals or groups. In contrast, armed robbery is a violent crime that poses a direct threat to individuals but does not have the same widespread societal impact.

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Q: Why are bribery and corruption worse than armed robbery?
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Why are bribery and corruption worse enemies of a nation?

Bribery and corruption undermine the rule of law, erode public trust in institutions, and inhibit economic development. They divert resources away from essential services, perpetuate inequality, and create a culture of impunity. Ultimately, they can weaken democratic governance and hinder social progress.

Is India the most corrupt country in the World?

No, India is not the most corrupt country in the world. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries based on perceived levels of public sector corruption, and India's ranking has improved in recent years. While corruption remains a challenge in India, there are other countries that fare worse in terms of corruption.

Biblical teaching on bribry and corruption?

Biblical teachings condemn bribery and corruption as they go against the values of honesty, justice, and righteousness. Proverbs 15:27 states, "Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live." Additionally, Deuteronomy 16:19 emphasizes the importance of justice and impartiality, stating "You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous."

What is worse being poor whole life or being rich and then becoming poor?

Both situations have their own challenges. Being poor your whole life can be difficult due to limited resources and opportunities. On the other hand, going from rich to poor can be emotionally and mentally distressing as it involves a significant change in lifestyle and loss of security. Ultimately, it depends on the individual's resilience and support system in either scenario.

When do anti-Chinese feelings seem to get worse?

Anti-Chinese feelings tend to escalate during times of political tension, public health crises like pandemics, and economic competition. Negative portrayals in media, misinformation, and nationalistic rhetoric can also contribute to a heightened sense of animosity towards the Chinese population.

Related questions

What are the reasons why corruption is worse than armed robbery?

"Better" is a debatable term, but I would have to say because the offense of robbery is straight forward... it either occurred or it didn't. Whereas corruption and bribery are much less straight forward and often require cooperation from participants or infiltration of an organization in order to prove.Additional: It is noteworthy that robbery is a crime against persons, while bribery and corruption are crimes against property. The fact of the matter is that all the offenses mentioned are felonies and will net the perpetrator lengthy prison sentences.

Why is armed robbery worse than corruption?

corruption is what leads to armed robbery. a corrupt nation is a nation in which people suffer injustice and the people that will surfer are the poor leading them to frustration and then takes the laws all into their own hands by going into to rob the rich which simple means that corruption is what leads to armed robbery, in a fair and stable government no one will want to rob anybody because everyone has equals rights. Egbuchulem Benita Excel college basic 9 gold

Is armed robbery worse than aggravated robbery?

It depends. They might describe the same event. Armed robbery means you had a gun, aggravated robbery means there was an aggravating factor or something that made the robbery worse. Using a gun is probably one of them. Specific aggravating factors for a crime in each state can be found in state statutes.

Is corruption worse than armed robbery?

corruption is what leads to armed robbary.a corrupt nation is a nation in which people surfer, injustice and the people that will surfer are the poor leading them to furstration and the take the laws into their own by going to rob the rich which simple mean corruption is what lead to armed a fair and stable government on one will want to rob any body because every body as equal rights.

What is Eleanor Holmes Norton famous for?

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton left a voicemail for a lobbyist in which she brazenly begs for a "contribution." It's a not-so-subtle reminder of how legalized bribery is the standard operating procedure in Washington. Until money is taken out of politics, this kind of corruption will only get worse and worse. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. -

What noun is the corruption?

The noun 'corruption' is a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for dishonest or evil behavior; the action of making someone dishonest or morally depraved; a change from the original for the worse; the process of decay.

Who is worse albanians or serbians?

I must really say that the Albanians are worse. After Kosovo's "independence" corruption has peaked in Kosovo. Even though Kosovo gets alot of international help, the people of Kosovo does not get even one penny of it. The Albanians are infamous for being mafia, and I must say, it's true.

What is worse petty theft or commercial burglary?

RobberyAdditional: A robbery is a crime against persons which, by definition, is effected by force or by weapon, both of which can injure or kill the victim.Conversely, Burglary, while it IS a felony offense, is a crime committed against property. The actual victim(s) are typically not present at the time the offense is committed.

Biblical teaching on bribry and corruption?

Biblical teachings condemn bribery and corruption as they go against the values of honesty, justice, and righteousness. Proverbs 15:27 states, "Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live." Additionally, Deuteronomy 16:19 emphasizes the importance of justice and impartiality, stating "You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous."

What is worse?

Worse is a comparative verb. As in bad, worse, worst.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of bad?

For "bad" Comparative is worse Superlative is worst

Is worse a verb?

Worse is not a verb. Worsen is the verb form of worse.