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Yes. Impeachment does not mean to be removed from office, it means to have charges brought against the elected official.

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Q: Are impeached official can run for a new public office such as senator?
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Related questions

Does the word impeached mean to accuse or to convict?

The word "impeached" means to accuse or charge a public official with misconduct. It does not imply a conviction or removal from office, as that would be a separate process following the impeachment.

Why can a public official be impeached?

Impeached means brought up on charges. So, if enough people think an elected official did something illegal, there may be a process to impeach the official.

Does a president being impeached mean that he has to leave office?

Yes, if a president is impeached he is forced out of office. Some Quotes i found: "Impeachment is the first of two stages in a specific process for a legislative body to forcibly remove a government official. The second stage is conviction.""impeachment - a formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office"

What is it called when the house accuses an official of an illegal act?

Impeachment is the process where a legislative body accuses a public official of illegal activity. The penalties for being impeached include removal from office, criminal penalties, or civil penalties.

Can federal officials be impeached?

All government officials can be impeached and its the safeguard against corruption at the federal level. The president can be impeached as well as any other holder of public office.

What public office was Obama in?

He was a senator, but he is now the prez -confetti-

What act can remove a public official from office by petition?

If enough signatures are on the petition, there will be a recall election in which the public can vote to remove a public official from office.

A person holding a public office is called -?

an incumbent

What is a public office position that starts with you?

Under Secretary, U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator are public office positions. They begin with U.

Can all federal officials be impeached?

All government officials can be impeached and its the safeguard against corruption at the federal level. The president can be impeached as well as any other holder of public office.

What is the next step after impeachment?

Impeachment, in the U.S. and Great Britain, proceeding by a legislature for the removal from office of a public official charged with misconduct in office. Impeachment comprises both the act of formulating the accusation and the resulting trial of the charges; it is frequently but erroneously taken to mean only the removal from office of an accused public official. An impeachment trial may result in either an acquittal or in a verdict of guilty. In the latter case the impeached official is removed from office; if the charges warrant such action, the official is also remanded to the proper authorities for trial before a court."

What is the name of a person who holds a public offices?

It could be several things such as, an official, governor, congress, senator, officeholder, piblic official, really they have many names so its hard to tell. also it would depend on what office they are in.