The CPM party, in Eastern India, uses communism.
A man's communism was taken away from him for no reason.
Communism is an economic and political ideology that advocates for a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively.
Communism is the antithesis of capitalism.
After the fall of communism, many citizens find themselves happy to have their religious freedom back.
The actions of the people during the downfall of Communism was iconoclastic.
It's quite silly to compare socialism or communism with capitalism without comparing them to each other.
It might be easier to use communist, but you asked for communism so...Though the countries' dictator spoke at length about his people's liberties and and personal gains, other countries' rulers viewed the comments as strictly communism.
The communal cup was passed around the church so that everyone could drink from it.
Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory that examines the struggles between the ruling class and the working class.
Anti-Communism is the opposite of communism.
"The type of communism practiced under Stalin did not benefit the people." "China turned to communism as an alternative to internal power struggles." "As a form of society, communism does not allow an individual to reap the fruits of his own labor."