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Of course, as do current Presidents, and Congressmen, and...well any government employee. In fact, as just looking at the front pages of the papers you'll see, Presidents (and many elected officials) HAVE to disclose their returns. Hence showing where their income and expenses come from, and obviously everything is looked at closely - and taken political advantag of, by the opposition. It is more than likely officials take very conservative positions, and effectively pay a much higher tax rate than others in the same income position. In fact, in todays world, it has become virtually required that anyone even affiliated with the Pres and such must disclose their return too... Wifes in particular...which as we have had several candidates with indpendently wealthy spouses.. with family money and corresponding confidential business dealings that could be disrupted by letting the rest of the business comunity know the who, what and where of, has become a big deal. Simply, such a brouhaha that they all have evenually disclosed it. ORDINARY PEOPLES OR BUSINESS TAX RETURNS ARE NEVER REQUIRED TO BE REVEALED. In fact, it is very protected...even IRS employees accessingf the files must show a reason.

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