Limited Government
In the United States, the powers of government are limited. A limited government is a constitutional government. A limited government makes sure that leaders of government do not misuse the powers they have been given. It insists that all people, including people in authority such as the president and members of the congress, obey the laws. A limited government has effective controls over the power of people in authority and protects the rights of individuals.
Unlimited Government
An unlimited government includes authoritarian and totalitarian governments. Under authoritarian systems, all power is concentrated in one person or a small group. People who live under an authoritarian system do not have an effective way to restrain the power of the rulers. Totalitarian governments regulate every part of the lives of individuals.
An unlimited government is a non-constitutional government. An unlimited government does not have effective controls over the power of its rulers. The people in authority cannot be easily removed from office by peaceful and legal means.
limited because it has different governments
limited because it has different governments
Unlimited governments will inherently be corrupt governments.
they both have governments and have a ruler
Limited LOL
is it limited cause they have to do what the president says
A limited government is where the power of the government is limited. Power is kept in check by the citizens who vote for the laws, vote for representatives who create the laws, or by a constitution. Unlimited governments have unlimited power. Any time the government has all the power, it takes the power out of the hands of the people and the government is considered unlimited. Unlimited governments include, absolute monarchies, totalitarianism, oligarchies, dictatorships, fascism, theocracies, communism, and some socialistic governments. Limited governments include constitutional monarchies, parliamentary monarchies, republic monarchies, republic democracies, republics, and all democracies. Ecuador, therefore is a limited government, because it is a republic where power is concentrated in the people. Admittedly, the high degree of corruption in Ecuador makes the politicians nearly untouchable, but this is very different from if they had actual legal shielding.
I think limited government don't have so much to do to help. And I think limited government can make the rules
3 Differences between Limited and Unlimited GovernmentLimited Government: Unlimited Government:Power from people Power from King or/and QueenPower is restricted Power is absolute and totalDon't get freedom Get freedom~Hope this helped =)
Do unlimited governments have elections
The difference with limited liabilities and unlimited liabilities is in the extent of the liabilities. Limited liabilities will only hold one's shares in the business but unlimited liability will have access even to personal wealth which is different from the business.