How do you feel about direct democracy?
Define regular democracy. A democracy is a government by the people. A direct democracy is a type of democracy.
direct democracy
Switzerland is not entirely a direct democracy. It is the closest state in the world to a direct democracy. Switzerland features a system of government called direct representation.
Direct democracy is doing something by the government andrepresentative democracy is a democracy where citizens delegae authority to elect represntatives
No - a direct democracy.
NO,it was a direct democracy
A democracy.
No, the US has a representative democracy.
Citizens elect leaders who vote on the issues in a representative democracy, and citizens vote on the issues in a direct democracy. A representative democracy is modern, and a direct democracy is ancient. A representative democracy works better in large groups, and a direct democracy works better in small groups. Citizens' desires are ignored in a representative democracy, and citizens' desires have a better chance of being heard in a direct democracy