Zero hour is the innovative discussion process introduced by the Indian parliament to the world parliamentary system.
zero hour
parliamentary procedure
parliamentary procedure
In accordance with the formal rules governing the methods of procedure, discussion, and debate in deliberative bodies and organized assemblies called "parliaments"
Helen Margaret Taylor has written: 'The right way to conduct meetings, conferences and discussions' -- subject(s): Associations, institutions, Forums (Discussion and debate), Parliamentary practice, Public meetings
"I move that" is a parliamentary term used to propose a formal action or decision during a meeting or debate, usually in a structured setting like a committee or council. It signifies a member's intention to put forward a specific motion for consideration and discussion by the group.
what discussion
A long discussion goes on for a lengthy amount of time. A prolonged discussion goes on for more time than expected. A prolonged discussion can be 20 minutes as long as the discussion was supposed to be less than that.
You can use "per our discussion" in a sentence to refer back to a conversation or agreement that was previously had. For example, "I have made the changes per our discussion yesterday."
A long discussion goes on for a lengthy amount of time. A prolonged discussion goes on for more time than expected. A prolonged discussion can be 20 minutes as long as the discussion was supposed to be less than that.
Both "discussion of" and "discussion on" are grammatically correct phrases, but they have slightly different meanings. "Discussion of" implies talking about or analyzing a particular topic, while "discussion on" suggests talking about or engaging in a conversation about a specific subject. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the context and intent of the discussion.