Demokrasya, or in english, "Democracy", means "freedom". If you're country is called a democratic country, it means your country is a "FREE COUNTRY" or it has "FREEDOM". ------Danielle
for my own opinion she was contribute in our country is a democracy and freedom to us......
The writer desires to establish the principle of freedom of thought, expression, and inquiry in his home country.
It's a constitutional monarchy. A democracy with a Monarchy. Kuwait is the top ranking Arab country with freedom of speech and the only Country in the Arabian peninsula with a Parliament and elections.
Democracy is good because of the form government gave people more freedom.
increase democracy and freedom
No, democracy is not bad because democracy means freedom of speech and freedom of human rights!
democracy means choosing their leader by them and freedom
Malaysia calls itself a democratic country and they have elections. However, people are still missing rights like freedom of speech. The country will probably become a full democracy someday.
Mother Freedom is a reference to the United States. Since the beginning of the nations history, the U.S. has fought for freedom, not only for itself, but also for other countries. The U.S. is the first supreme power that fought for democracy and freedom for its citizens, hence, we don't have a king or rulers. We live in the land of the free, and we were the first country to establish that and are helping spread that freedom to other countries. That is the reason we are known as "Mother" Freedom, because we not only gave "birth" to it, but we are also "reproducing" it among other countries. Hope this helps.
we need a democracy so people have freedom of speech