The Rand Daily Mail was created in 1902.
Remington Rand ended in 1955.
Rand railway line ended in 1987.
Rand Afrikaans University ended in 2005.
Zambia Daily Mail was founded in 1964.
The Daily Show - 1996 Rand Paul 16-33 was released on: USA: 7 March 2011
In yesterday's daily mail.
Hull Daily Mail was created in 1885.
Irish Daily Mail was created in 2006-02.
The price of the Daily Mail in 1948 was one penny.
Daily Mail should only be capitalized when referring to the newspaper title. When talking about a daily mail delivery, for example, it shouldn't be capitalized.
In the term 'daily mail', the word 'daily' is an adjective describing the noun 'mail'.The term 'daily mail' functions as a compound, common noun, a general term for the postal service delivery that occurs every day.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example the Daily Mail newspaper published in London or the Charleston Daily Mail published in Charleston, WV.