Sun Yat-sen was elected as the first "provisional president" of China.
Sun Yatsen
The first test of Eisenhower's new policy to contain Chinese communism was the Formosa Straits. This was a conflict that occurred between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China.
After the 1911 Revolution, the Republic of China was founded, and Sun Zhongshan became President for some time, in 1912. But many years of chaos followed: feudalism lingered on for decades when colonialism rampaged through China. It would be sort of acceptable to call it the beginning of a new China.
it was either soviet china or the republic of china
President Tandi.
Miloš Zeman is set to become the third President of the Czech Republic in 2013. He is the first directly elected president in Czech history. He served as the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic from 1998 to 2002. Last president of Czechoslovakia was Václav Havel, until 1993 when Czech and Slovak Republics were established. President of Slovak Republic is Ivan Gašparovič.
mrs lar
He's the George Washington of China because he was a leader in the Revolution of 1911. Yat-Sen was inspired by Washington and the American Revolution to make China a republic and overthrow the Qing dynasty. He and Washington both refused absolute monarchy over the new nations they helped form, both were the first president of their nation and both were raised on a farm.
It was the first time in the new nation's history that power was transferred from one political party to another. ?federalist to democratic-republic?
Peoples Republic of China
Non-existent.New Zealand is not a republic, but a constitutional monarchy. It has a Prime Minister, not a President, as its head of Government.