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Coalitions allow the formation and stable running of politics by unifying political actors together for a common set of goals.

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Q: Why are coalitions important?
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Related questions

When was The Theory of Political Coalitions created?

The Theory of Political Coalitions was created in 1962.

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What do parties in government form to have enough votes to be effective?

Coalitions. They form coalitions together to try and make them more effective.

Why is World War 1 important?

It established the concept of multinational coalitions fighting a war. Its armistice also established the conditions that eventually led to WWII.

Temporary alliances of political parties?


How did the American two-party system evolve and How were coalitions important to this evolution and I have to Include in your answer a discussion of four eras of political parties?

i think the answer is in your BOOK check it out sometime.

Who was expected to win the Persian war?

The Persian thought the Persian Empire. The coalitions of Greek city-states thought the coalitions of Greek city-states.

What do successful coalitions require?

Mutual trust and respect.

What is an example of coalitions?

A group of people A documentA country

What are group's that work together called?

Coalitions.... (Mavericks)

What are groups work together called?

Coalitions.... (Mavericks)

What has the author Michel Rousseau written?

Michel Rousseau has written: 'A study of Canadian coalitions of non-governmental organizations' -- subject(s): Coalitions, Non-governmental organizations