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Absolutely! Women are equally capable of taking care of themselves.

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Q: Is it okay for a woman to not have to be dependent on a man?
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Why are there double standards in what is acceptable between the genders?

There are double standards between the genders because we're not equal. What is okay for a man may not be viewed as okay for a woman, and vice versa, thus why we have feminism to fight these double standards and sexism.

What does 'breaking gender stereotypes'mean?

i think it mean freedom for everyone .and that man's can do woman's job and woman's can do man's job and everyone will be equal

What does it mean when a woman gives a man a watch for his birthday?

He probably needed/wanted a new watch. There is no actual meaning for a woman giving a man a watch.

What do you call a gay man who has maternal instincts?

Gay men do not cease being men simply because of their sexual orientation. A gay man is a man, not a woman. The parental instinct of a man is called the paternal instinct. If a man identifies himself as a woman, then he is transgendered and that is a different issue than being gay.

Why do men cheat when they just feel guilty afterward?

Some don't. Usually one would cheat, if they didn't feel content somehow in their relationship or the relationship isn't as exciting any more. It varies from circumstance to circumstance. ANSWER: The truth of this question will rely on the married man, why? let me guide you to that direction. When most married men find another woman that will meet his needs, ( it's okay if he doesn't think about his wife's need) there's no such things as feeling guilty or even bad when it comes to what this married man is doing or done. It's only natural for a married man to feel guilty because his affair was caught, if it didn't his life with the other woman will be perfect.

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Why do women hug men?

The answer to that question is dependent entirely on the mores of the society in which the man AND woman live, the relationship between the man and the woman and the situation in which the woman finds herself feeling that it's okay to hug a man. In some cultures, a man and woman should never touch if they are not related or married. In other cultures, it is quite normal for a woman to hug a man in certain situations, such as when congratulating for a joyous occasion, offering condolences for a significant loss or even as a form of greeting. It is seldom appropriate for a woman to hug a man in a workplace environment.

Why is it okay if a woman hits a man and gets away with it?

* Because a woman is naturally weaker than a man, and if a man was to hit a woman it would be unfair. * Unless the woman is defending herself no woman has the right to hit a man in anger and it's considered physical abuse.

Is it okay for a woman to ask a man to marry her?

yes of course! Everyone is different!

How does a man suck a woman's breast and make scream in delight?

If that is what both parties agree as being okay.....than yes a man can suck on a woman's breast.

Why not okay for woman to say sorry to a Greek man?

Of course its ok. Who says that its not ok?

What Two Things rely on each other?

everything on earyh is dependent on radiant energy

What can make an Aries man to run away from you?

An Aries man appreciates the more dependent woman who values and follows his opinion and advice. If you are an independent woman who makes her own decisions, this is not always well received by the Aries man.

Which is better for the Cancer man-Taurus woman or Leo woman or Scorpio woman or Pisces woman?

Tuarus. Cancer is water Taurus OS earth water makes grass grow. But Pisces is close but not the best

Is it okay for a woman to suck a man?

yes it is as long as the women and man are both ok with it ,we men like it soft then faster just go ahead xx

Is okay for a man to?

Yes it is okay

Is a man giving a strange woman a lift to another state and then bringing a different strange woman back then going to dinner with her wrong if he has a steady girlfriend?

it's okay as long as they are not dating.