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Pre-embryonic :begins with fertilization and encompasses the first 2 weeks thereafter. Cellular division and implantation occurs this stage of development.

Embryonic : this stage last from the end of the 2nd week after Fertilization until the end of the 8th Weeks is also the time when the women misses her first menstrual period.

Fetal: this stage is from the beginning of the 9th week after fertilization and continues until birth. At this time, the developing human is referred to as a fetus.

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12y ago

There are "Three Major" stages in prenatal development it goes as follows:

The First Stage- The Germinal stage [Conception- 2 weeks]

This Stage only begins to occur after Conception, at this stage the sperm and egg have joined together and formed what many biologist call a Zygote, which is a fertilized egg. The Zygote then will travel from the Fallopian tubes which was the very site of it's origin and travel down to the mother's uterus. at this point it will begin to attach itself to the wall of the uterus and begin the processes of cellular division in which the number of cells begin to differentiate at an almost exponential rate. The cell's then begins to look like a ball of a 100 cells which is called the blastocyst. The Blastocyst is made up of three layers----- The Endoderm, The Mesoderm, and The Ectoderm. The Ectoderm becomes the skin , nail, hair, sensory organs and nervous system.

the Mesoderm becomes the muscle and bones, and the Endoderm becomes the respiratory and digestive system.

then from weeks [3-8] the Second stage develops and it is called the Embryonic Stage. at this stage all the major organs begin to develop. There is more to this stage but since your just asking for the stages, the details are not vital.

Lastly it's the fetal stage [9 --birth] the previous body developments just begin to develop more rapidly, the formation of the neural tube occurs, which will become the brain and spinal cord, heart beat grows stronger and the babies weight increases.

Those are all the stages.

E.B. SS520

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15y ago

germinal (sperm and egg meet), embryo (dna begings to form parts), fetal (cells mature) germinal (sperm and egg meet), embryo (dna begings to form parts), fetal (cells mature)

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11y ago

Embryonic stage,where the spam meets the egg and the foetus is formed.

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