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Q: A tentative explanation of a phenomena based on observations is called a?
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What integrated explanation of numerous hypothesis is known as?

A tentative explanation in research is called a hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on observation. The general explanation of the observation is called a theory. In other words, a theory is the result of testing a hypothesis.

What is A tentative (or untested) explanation of a natural phenomenon is called?

An hypothesis

What is a theoretical explanation?

A theoretical explanation is an explanation of some phenomena. The term "theory" as it is used in science is different than the one used in everyday discourse. The everyday term has more in common with a "hypothesis", a theory is just an overarching term for an explanation.

What is a scientific explanation that is tentative and requires more investigation?

Hypothesis? Proposition? Preliminary?

What is An explanation of observations or events based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations is called an?

A "Theory".

What is a tentartive explanation of a phenomenon based on observations called?


What is the general explanation of a set of observations or facts called?


8 A consistent explanation of know observations is called?


What is an explanation that is generally accepted only on a series of observations called?


What is the name of a scientific guess?

A hypothesis is a tentative explanation of facts or phenomena. A conjecture is similar to a hypothesis but is an opinion based on speculation or incomplete evidence.

A unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations that have been supperted by testing a called a?

It is called a theory because they are well supported by observations and experimental evidence.

What is unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations that have been supported by testing is called?
