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Q: Adam is the oldest child in his family There are six children in the family with Billy being the youngest What percentage of their genes do they share?
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How does birth order affect the psychological development of children?

For as many books as there are supporting the idea of birth order's impact on development (of which psychoanalysts are large proponents of), research tends to support the idea that birth order has no real affect.However, the strongest case for "birth order" is the idea of the "niche."Many psychologists believe that people try to fit into predetermined "niches" in a family: the athletic one, the artistic one, the intelligent one, the rebel, etc. When one niche is taken by a child, the subsequent child will take an alternative niche. This is why when the oldest child takes the "smart, athletic" niche, the youngest child will often take the rebel. The foundation of this idea is that each "niche" becomes a part of that person's "identity" - which is ultimately the goal of our long, childhood search.Different "niches" are favored in different families. A family full of football stars will probably favor athletic niches, and therefore these will be taken first. A family full of scientists will be more likely to favor academic pursuits, and so their children will fill each of these niches first.Of course, the theory of the niche isn't always correct, and although logical, there is not a lot of scientific evidence backing the theory. Many times, multiple siblings will hold the same niche, or the oldest sibling will take the path of the "rebel" - or a family full of football stars will have a son who is the leader of the chess club. :-)

Why are seventh graders better than sixth and eighth graders?

Personally I think that 7th graders are the best because I'm in seventh grade. But that is not true. 7th graders are the same as 6th graders and 8th graders. People probably think that because they are in the middle of the 2 grade. 7th graders are not the youngest or the oldest so that might be another reason people think that way. I believe that the grades are the same.

Which of these statements about late adulthood is correct?

the oldest segment of the population is projected to increase to 20% of the population in the next 25 years

What the character traits of Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH?

Mrs frisby is the mother, Timothy is the youngest (the one who gets pneumonia) and was never as strong as his brother because when young he got bitten by a spder on the neck although mrs frisby beleives he is the most is the smatest andmost thoughtful of the children, but when it came to being sick he was the first to get it and the slowest to recover, martin was much like his father, strong, quick, and the biggest of the children, teresa is the oldest and most mature, and cynthia is very pretting but is kinda stupid (the book said it not me) and mr frisby... mr jonathan frisby... he was with the rats of nimh but never told mrs frisby. he was killed drugging the cat dragon. dragon- a lazy orange fur ball. jeremy is a young crow still trying to figure out how stupid it is to fly up and down when tangeled to a fence. the darn thing'll get eaten by the cat! billy and paul- paul is older than billy- both mr fitsgibbin's sons. mr and mrs fitsgibbin- mr F. is the farmer. mrs. F. is simply his wife. the rats: ordinary rats that were vaccinated by a chemical to make them smart. now they're genius. mr ages- a mouse- friends with mr frisby- mr ages is a doctor. i think thats mostly it.

What is a self-help book good for?

It is more of a guide how to live our lives, and find God. The Bible is the oldest self-help book, it provides answers to topics from raising children to keeping yourself free of becoming addicted to any substance. It also provides instructions on how to free yourself from addictions.

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Adam is the oldest child in his family there are six children in his family with billy being the youngest what percentage of their genes do they share?

The genetics of all of the children are random so in theory they could share between 1 and 99% of the genetics. Not 100% though because everyone is unique!

Adam is the oldest child in his family. There are six children in the family with Billy being the youngest. What percentage of their genes do they share?

The genetics of all of the children are random so in theory they could share between 1 and 99% of the genetics. Not 100% though because everyone is unique!

Was Lewis Carroll the youngest in his family?

No, Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) was the third of eleven children in his family.

Is Kristen Stewart oldest or youngest in her family?

She is the youngest in her family. She has an older brother, Cameron Stewart.

Is Ned Kelly the youngest child in his family?

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