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You can share feelings with someone but not give off feelings to someone.

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Q: Can you give off feelings to someone?
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What to do if you are in love with someone and they give off mixed signals?

Wait, if she/he still give mixed signals, then you can tell him your true feelings.

Can a boy give off mixed signs because he is confused of his own feelings?

Boys, as well as any person, can give off mixed signals when they are confused about their feelings.

What should someone do if they confess their feelings to someone and he doesn't know how he feels?

she should accept the reaction of the guy, because first of all he may still be in shock at the time the girl confesses her feelings. she must also give space for the guy to analyze and acknowledge his own feelings

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Make it up to them.

How do you get someone you love to like you?

Know what she likes and what she likes is to what you give to her or say your feelings to her and even do relationships STEP BY STEP.

What do you say when someone says am i dead?

you tell them "your having problems with feelings"then support them and give them company and talk about how they feel and why

What are some type of feelings you can have for someone?

love feelings friend feelings

If a guy wants to give a girl a kiss does that means he has feelings for her even when they are not dating?

It means he wants to give her a kiss. We cannot tell you what is in someone else's mind.

What does it means to give someone a black look?

Giving someone a black look means to give them a disapproving or angry glance, usually without saying anything. It can convey feelings of annoyance or disapproval towards the person.

How do you tell someone you have deep feelings for them when you are young?

Just say I like you a lot wait for a response then give a hug if they agree

What does it mean when you dream you accidentally pulled someone's hand off?

This sounds as if someone tried to help you (to give you a hand) but you ended up inadvertently causing them harm in some way. This need not refer to an actual event; the dream could express your feeling that you tend to hurt anyone who tries to help you. The dream might accurately express your feelings even if those feelings do not reflect the real situation.

Why should someone give valentines?

To show their real feelings about their loved ones or the person they have a crush on. Some will do so as a prank but not usually