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Q: Did J.R.R. Tolkien ever meet Dr. Carl Jung or Dr. Sigmund Freud?
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Who is an important person in psychology?

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are two.

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Which of the following 20th-century figures influenced Modernist literature through their groundbreaking work on the subconscious?

Sigmund Freud .

Which of the following wrote Studies on Hysteria thereby marking the birth of the discipline of psychoanalysis A Carl Jung B Carl Rogers C Sigmund Freud D Ivan Pavlov?

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Did Carl Jung refused to disagree with Sigmund Freud out of loyalty to his mentor?

The person that was mentored by Sigmund Freud was Carl Jung. However, he did disagree with his mentor and left him due to issues with his sexual instinct theories.

Who was Carl jung's mentor?

Carl Jung's mentor was Sigmund Freud. Jung initially admired Freud's work and was a part of his inner circle in the early days of the psychoanalytic movement. However, they had philosophical differences that eventually led to a split in their professional relationship.

How does the concept of Carl Jung difficult from Sigmund Freud in terms of libido?

Carl Jung didn't agree with Freud's opinion that libido is sexual instinct only - he rather understood libido as a general psychological energy which may have nothing to do with sex.

What 20th-century figures influenced Modernist literature through his groundbreaking work on the subconscious?

Sigmund Freud

Who was Freud's rival?

Freud had at least two rivals: Carl Jung and Alfred Adler.

Why did Carl Jung think it is important to understand dreams?

Carl G. Jung was an associate of Sigmund Freud, who was a great pioneer in the analysis of dreams. Although Jung and Freud eventually parted ways, Jung continued to recognize dreams as a means of access to the unconscious mind. An excellent resource for further information about Jung's theories of dreaming is "Man and His Symbols," 1964.

What did Freud oppose?

Carl Jung