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Humans are by nature, sexual beings. Whilst not advocating wholesale promiscurity, practicing safe sex, especially in a strong relationship is healthy and desirable. It should be noted that Roman Catholic priests who are theoretically supposed to abstain, have a high rate of prostate problems. To be honest, abstinence will not necessarily affect your self worth in a positive way. A mature, balanced approach to your sexuality is a far better approach.

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Q: How can abstinence affect your self worth?
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No not at all. Hormones effect menstruation.

What is a synonym for abstinence?

temperance, avoidance, moderation, frugality, self-control, soberness

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"Self worth" is a two word phrase. self worth is a two word phrase unless you use it like this, "self-worth".

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Self Worth was created in 1999.

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abstinence has no effect on testosterone

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to prove their self worth

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abstinence should promote the moral self-improvement of individuals

How can you use abstinence in a sentence?

Example : Maria and her friends are practicing abstinence. They think abstinence is the key.

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This category deals with meaning - not ideals. The meaning of "temperance" is "moderation and self-restraint in behavior or expression" - or "abstinence from alcohol".

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The definition of self worth is different for every person. Essentially what you feel you are worth depends on your values.

What are the meaning of abstinence?

The act or practice of abstaining; voluntary forbearance of any action, especially the refraining from an indulgence of appetite, or from customary gratifications of animal or sensual propensities. Specifically, the practice of abstaining from intoxicating beverages, -- called also total abstinence., The practice of self-denial by depriving one's self of certain kinds of food or drink, especially of meat.