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First off, stop cutting.

Apart from that, there isn't that much that can be done. Keep them clean, bandage if needed. Leve them alone to heal. Once the skin has closed, keep them away from sunlight as much as possible to reduce the scarring. Or use sun screen. Or the special skin-coloured surgical tape with UV-filters.

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Q: How do I get rid of self harm cuts?
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Is self harm cuts supposed to burn?

Don't harm yourself.

How do i cover self harm cuts i usually wear sweaters or long sleeves but what if its to hot or i ou have t's i need a way to cover them up FAST?

You need a protective clothing that is light to cover the self harm cuts when it is hot.

How do you make self harm cuts wider?

Simply cut from a further end of your wrist.

What kind of schizophrenia do you have if you self-harm?

There is no specific type of schizophrenia that is associated with self-harm. Self-harm in schizophrenia is generally associated with delusions. For example, a patient with schizophrenia may believe that if he or she cuts off a finger then the world will be saved. Because self-harm in schizophrenia is associated with delusions, patients with paranoid schizophrenia or undifferentiated schizophrenia may be more likely to self-harm than patients with other types of schizophrenia.

Who knows someone that cuts or does self harm?

i have been cuting my body for a while makes me feel better

What are the signs of self harm?

Depressed mood, social withdrawl, unexplained cuts on the arm (although often times they do hide the area they self harm in) finding things like razor blades lying around their room...

What does callie cuts herself in the the book 'Cut' by Patricia McCormick?

In the book "Cut" by Patricia McCormick, Callie cuts herself as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions and feelings of numbness. Self-harm becomes a method for her to regain a sense of control and communicate her inner turmoil.

How do you get rid of self harm scars?

get over the counter scar healers. and massage the area ever day

What are some damages to the body from self-injuries?

Cuts ranging from superficial to very deep. Burns, broken bones, scratches and pretty much any other kind of injury you can imagine. Self harm leaves scars in many cases. If you self harm, there is help available to you, you just have to be open to it.

How do you get rid of cuts?

with a knife

What can happen to you when you self-harm?

Just let me tell you from experience, please don'tdo it.Anyway, the side effects of self harm are varied compared to what kind of self harm you are partaking in.Generally side effects can be bruises/cuts which can be hard to hide.In the long run deep cuts leave scars which are sometimes hard to hide.Self harm also ruins your body, therefore making you less confident. For example even going to a beach could get ruined because you don't generally want people to see your scars/cuts/bruises.

What do you call a person that cuts their self?

A person who intentionally cuts themselves is often referred to as a self-harmer or someone who engages in self-injury. This behavior is usually a coping mechanism for dealing with emotional pain or distress. It's important for individuals who self-harm to seek professional help to address the underlying issues causing this behavior.