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It depends on what you are reading. If it is a pleasure reading book, then it can increase your vocabulary by tenfold if it is a book like Gone with the Wind. If it is a textbook, then the information in it will give you knowledge.

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It depends on the book, but some do.


Reading books doesn't make you smarter, it makes you better informed/educated.

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Q: How does reading increase your intelligence?
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Explain how video games the Internet and television may actually increase one's intelligence?

Explain how video games, the ihternet, and television may actually increase one's intelligence?

How do people get smart?

IQ is approximately 2/3 hereditary, 1/3 environment (general health, whether you've ever suffered a brain injury etc...) At the moment there is no scientifically proven way of increasing intelligence ("Brain training" games only increase you ability to do those kind of games, but does not actually equate to an increase in intelligence). Some drugs can enhance concentration, which will allow the user to work more efficiently, but again this is not the same as increasing intelligence.

What is cognitive intelligence?

Cognitive intelligence is the intellectual ability to reason; have logic; reading; analysing and prioritizing and writing. It is your brain that uses the neocortex and not the emotional centers of the brain. In other words you have great control over your own emotions in order to resolve many problems most individuals will have to deal with in a rational and controlled manner.

What is meant by fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence and why is it important?

Fluid intelligence is inductive and deductive reasoning or analytical and reasoning ability in abstract and novel situations. It is influenced by neurological and biological factors. Crystallized intelligence is influenced by environmental and sociocultural factors. These categories allow for specific definitions of certain types of intelligence and also help to separate intelligence by how it deteriorates. For example, fluid intelligence is highly affected by age.

Where can you find the emotional intelligence scale questionnaire?

How can I get emotional intelligence scale?

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Why does reading Sherlock books increase your intelligence?

Reading ANY book increases your intelligence!Sherlock Holmes stories are especially good because you have to think to try to figure out what the answer to the puzzle is.

Can reading increase one's fluid intelligence?

No. Extra knowledge will accrue but ur ability to solve problems (fluid intelligence) will not change. If u want to increase ur fluid intelligence play the dual n back game.

What book can Increase intelligence?

Any book can increase your intelligence - reading is very good for your brain! Fiction books are especially good because you have to use your imagination, but textbooks and nonfiction are also good for teaching you things.

How do you increase your inteligence?

You increase your intelligence by research and practice. Reading non-fiction books about various subjects increases your knowledge and the amount of data you can draw from. Practicing skills such as math and critical thinking is very useful and is a major part of intelligence.

What makes reading good for you?

Reading increases intelligence and lowers the risk of mental illness.

The best way to increase your reading is by?

reading a book

How do you earn intelligence fo your subeta?

Your pets can gain intelligence by reading books,random events and stat boost items.

Explain how video games the Internet and television may actually increase one's intelligence?

Explain how video games, the ihternet, and television may actually increase one's intelligence?

What personality traits tend to increase with age?

intelligence and understanding ability tends to increase with age.

Is intelligence inborn?

Yes. You may train your intelligence, but not increase it.

What should you do to increase your reading rate-?

One way to increase your reading rate is to practice timed repeated readings.

Will increasing your span of recognition increase your reading rate?

Yes, increasing your span of recognition can increase your reading rate.