

Best Answer

On dreams that comes true;

We often count only those dreams that comes true (few), and forget about the dreams that don't come true (many).

One way to experiment is to record all dreams after they occur and count the hits and the misses.

new answerYes it can mean that your dreams are seeing the future because in subconscious mind where dreams come from there is not the limitation of time or space like it is in the physical existence. Be cautious about predicting the future ,however, since we can change things through our conscious choices. It is best to learn to interpret you own dreams through using the universal language of mind , which was discovered and is being taught by those at The School of Metaphysics.

NEW ANSWER:'s the thing.... dreams and deja vu are TOTALLY connected. I experience it FIRSTHAND, so if anyone tries to tell me otherwise I know better.


deja vu is a dream, lets say for example: that you had a dream but you don't remember that dream and weirdly speaking you did something and you thought oh i did this before deja vu well you have done it you drempt it before and it felt so real that only you felt it that turns it into reality but only some dreams come to life its like dreaming your destiny and controlling your destiny, but something that happend in a deja vu state can not be changed at any cost.

I have that all the time! I have super weird dream, then the next day, it comes true. It's freaky. I get this terrible feeling in my head and I feel dizzy and sort of feel sick. A girl in my class used to get Daja vu all the time and she'd throw up, but mine is less severe. I just have a weird feeling and I usually get an "aftershock" where I get a massive headache after the feeling goes away. I had deja vu 3 times in like 5 hours. That's like a record for me! Lol. So, in this case, the answer is yes. Having daja vu can mean dreams predicting the future. Super creepy right?

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

Deja vu is the sensation of familiarity or having experienced something before. It is a common phenomenon and not necessarily a sign of predicting the future. While some people believe in precognitive dreams, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that dreams can predict the future.

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Q: If you have deja vu can it mean your dreams are predicting the future?
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Could some dreams once in a while possibly mean something or are trying to tell you something?

Some dreams may have personal significance or reflect underlying emotions, experiences, or thoughts. They can offer insight into your subconscious mind or highlight unresolved issues. While not all dreams have a deeper meaning, paying attention to recurring or vivid dreams may provide valuable self-reflection or help in processing feelings.

Does deja vu mean your physhic?

Deja vu is a feeling of familiarity or having experienced something before, but it is not a psychic phenomenon. It is believed to be a sensation caused by a mismatch in the brain when processing memories, creating the illusion of having been in a situation previously.

What is the predicate in the sentence scientists study peoples dreams?

If you mean the sentence, "Scientists study people's dreams," it would be "study people's dreams" and "scientists" is the subject. Ask yourself what is the point of the sentence, that's the subject, the rest is usually predicate.

What does it mean when your girlfriend dreams about cheating on you with a black midget?

Dreams are often symbolic and may not reflect reality. This dream could indicate feelings of guilt, fear, or insecurities in the relationship. It's important to communicate openly with your girlfriend about any concerns or issues arising from such dreams.

Why do you have dreams and sometimes you don't?

Dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep, which happens multiple times throughout the night. Factors such as sleep quality, stress levels, and sleep patterns can influence whether you remember your dreams or not. If you don't remember a dream, it doesn't necessarily mean you didn't have one.

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What does it mean if you can see the future in your dreams and there's a certain word that makes you remember it and why does this happen frequently because this happens to me?

What you are describing in this question COULD BE deja vu. If you do not remember having the dream until you hear a certain word, and then you suddenly realize that you have experienced this situation before, that is deja vu. Although it seems impossible at the time, deja vu is only a trick of the mind, rather like a hiccup. You feel as if you experienced this situation previously, and your mind immediately jumps to the conclusion that you dreamed this bit of the future. The more often you have deja vu, the more convinced you can become that you are seeing the future in your dreams. In fact, you are having no such dreams. Your mind is only having a "hiccup" in perceiving a new experience as if it is a repeated experience. For more information, see the link below.

What does prophetic messages mean?

Coming from prohet... predicting future events.

What does it mean if you dream of deja vu?

There's no one explanation for frequent episodes of deja vu. Could be a recurrence of dreams not remembered consciously. Could be an event of dreams of the future. Could be recurrences of events when we were too young to remember them consciously. Or, it could be recurrences of happenings in an earlier lifetime which are impossible to remember, except perhaps through expert hypnotism with regression.

What is your future dreams?

your future dreams just mean that you could be a psychic, but it always doesn't mean that. it could just mean that you have a special gift that others don't have.

Are dreams the future?

No. Dreams are the subconscious thinking of a person. Predicting the future is usually impossible, because, if you were to predict a bad future, wouldn't you try and prevent it, and if you did prevent the bad event from occurring, then your prediction of the future was wrong. Most of the time dreams at night while sleeping mean nothing. It's just your mind working while you sleep and it means nothing of significance.More information:No, dreams very rarely if ever predict the future. Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind while the conscious mind is resting in sleep. Sometimes the subconscious mind produces dreams that appear to predict the future, but they actually reflect subtle patterns of of ordinary information that the conscious mind overlooked or dismissed. See the attached link for more detailed information on dreams and dream interpretation.

What does hang on to your dreams mean?

Appreciate your goals and dreams don't give up on what u have planned for the future.

What does it mean when you dream about number 8 million?

Number dreams usually turn out to be trivial and mundane. The 8 million in this particular dream probably refers to the size of the lottery jackpot that you could only "dream" of obtaining. The dream is not predicting your future or any sudden fortune.

What does Deja mean?

Deja is a French word meaning 'already'. Derived from the French phrase 'deja vu' meaning 'already seen'.

What does it mean when you have deportation dreams?

The dreams express the dreamer's fears and anxiety, especially one's vulnerability against authority. The dreams do not predict future events.

What does De'Asia mean?

it is a variant of the female name deja meaning deja vu; before;

What does Deja la guaperΓ­a mean in English?

Deja la guaperia can mean: Quit the niceties/courtesy. It can also mean: Enough with the compliments.

What does it mean when your dreaming about someone?

The question is too general for any specific interpretation. Generally speaking, such dreams do NOT carry any superstitious significance, such as predicting death or pregnancy, revealing soul mates, true love or a future encounter. Dreams reflect the dreamer's own thoughts, experiences and emotions; they do NOT reveal anyone else's thoughts or feelings, and do NOT mean that "someone" was thinking of the dreamer before falling asleep.