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psychosexual stages

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Q: In freuds theory development takes each child through what kind of series?
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In freuds theory the role of the dream is to make us aware of what?

Unconscious desires.

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What is freuds theory of the human unconscious?

He argued that painful and unsettling experiences were repressed, or hidden from a person's conscious awarness

Why adlers rejected freuds theory?

Because Freud was infatuated with his mother thinking everything we do goes back to our parents.

What is development theory?

Development theory is a body of social science theories that aim to explain how and why societies progress and change over time. These theories often focus on economic, social, and political factors that influence development outcomes in different countries or regions. Development theory helps to understand the complexities of development processes, such as poverty reduction, social equality, and sustainable growth.

What is a theory designed to do?

A theory is something you think, that you try to prove correct or wrong through a series of trials and research.

Which of these describes a major difference between neo-freudians and freuds theory of personality?

neo-freudians placed emphasis on social relationships A+LS (:

Who developed the psychosocial development theory?

Erik Erikson developed the psychosocial development theory, by stating that the social experiences that we all go through throughout our lives serves as a major contributor to the developments of our personalities.

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What is the Theory of Sequential development

Erickson's lifespan theory proposes that psychosocial development occurs primarily as a result of?

Erikson's lifespan theory proposes that psychosocial development occurs primarily as a result of self-recognition gained through crises or conflicts.

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