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Absolutely not! This is one of my pet peeves as well. It's just a slang term, but not one well received out in the general public. He means no harm by it, but if it bothers you and others please tell him so, but be nice about it. I'm sure he doesn't even realize he's doing it. Don't forget ... there is a perfume named "Babe!" Then there is Babe Ruth the old Baseball player. LOL If it truly isn't that bothersome to you or others I'd leave it be. Here's a thought ... telling him you want a special "pet name!" My girlfriend is a classy lady and her hubby is loving but taunts her by calling her "Murtle the Turtle" in private and it makes her blood boil! LOL My hubby is a 6' 6" tall teddy bear and loving calls me "Puddinhead" in private and I don't mind it at all, but would certainly mind it if he used it on someone else. Maybe. It depends on the guy, he probably doesn't even think about it. If you tell him it bothers you, and he's really a nice guy, and cares about your feelings, then he'll probably stop. Don't use that as a method of emotional terrorism against him, however... I guess it could be a girl too, but it doesn't matter, the same rules apply.

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1d ago

No, it's not wrong for you to feel uncomfortable. Everyone has different comfort levels with terms of endearment, and it's important to communicate your feelings with your partner. They may not be aware of how it makes you feel, and a conversation can help clarify your preferences.

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