

Liking a friend

Updated: 10/19/2022
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14y ago

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I like in friend is/are beautiful in attitude she/he will not lie at me and she/he will not like in so many boys.

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You dump him.

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Try and keep your friend away from him and try and discourage her to talk to him ,so he stops liking her and MIGHT start liking you.

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no u should hook them up or at least talk to them

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you can help your friend, stop her from crying, and become a best friend

How do you confront a boy you like for liking your friend?

You do not. Right now he and your friend have a relationship and, ethically, you need to let them handle it.

How do you get your best friend to stop liking someone?

You really shouldn't make your best friend stop liking someone unless that person's a bad influence on her/him. If they ARE a bad influence, just explain to your friend that he/she is not right for him/her. Make sure she/he knows how you feel about this. Hope this helped

Why does your friend Lie to you about people liking you?

your friend lie to you because he/she lie to make you look embarrassed so your friend will be more popular than you..

What if your friend forever starts liking you?

you should like them back and try to have arelationship

What if a good friend start liking a best friend?

the good friend has to be carefull and know what can go wrong with the Relation of friends if he tryes to make a move

What can you do to a6th to stop liking your friend but to like you?

what you can do is that you can make your friend look terrible but to look amazing in front of the girl or you can lie that the friend likes your brother or sister.

Your friend went out with a guy and they broke up now the guy likes you and you like him should you stop liking him?

Talk to your friend about it first.