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There are certain occasions in which you would give them constructive criticism. You want to make sure that you get your point across, but you also don't want to hurt their feelings. Here is an example of one of the sitautions in which constructive criticism is called for: Your friend wrote a poem that she was planning on giving to her dad as a birthday gift. She first wants you to read it to see if there is anything that she should fix. So you read it, and there are a few things that you think she should change. You say something like, "I like how you rhymed every other line. That style really suits the poem. However, you forgot to rhyme these two lines." It would not be constructive criticism if you said something like, "You are a terrible poet. I am so much better at poetry than you. In fact, I am also prettier." I know that you wouldn't say that to a friend. There's no way that saying that would count as constructive criticism since constructive criticism is about showing them a way to improve without being rude to them.

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You should give constructive criticism to a friend when they have specifically asked for feedback or when the issue directly impacts your relationship or their well-being. It's important to approach the situation with empathy and respect, focusing on providing helpful suggestions for improvement.

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Q: On what occasion should you give constructive criticism to a friend?
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How should you criticise others?

When giving criticism to others, it's important to be constructive and specific, focusing on the behavior or action rather than attacking the individual personally. Offer feedback in a calm and respectful manner, and provide suggestions for improvement. It's also important to listen to the other person's perspective and be open to a dialogue to resolve the issue.

What should you do if a friend struggles with self esteem issue?

Encourage your friend to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who can provide support and guidance. Offer your friend kind words and reassurance, and remind them of their strengths and positive qualities. Encourage activities that promote self-care and self-love, such as exercise, hobbies, and positive affirmations.

What do you do if your best friend is stealing from you?

My advice- Well, if they are stealing from you then i don't think that you guys should STAY best friends. If a friend is worth keeping they will stick by you through anything, I suggest that you talk to this friend about it and maybe try and fix things..:Dhope that helpedI suggest that you figure out what he/she took, then try to recover the stuff.Afterwards, you should talk to your best friend about it, and figure out if they're really your friend or just pretended to be just to get your stuff.If they are really your friend, don't put all the trust you had back into her/him.If they were to get your stuff, I suggest you stop bringing them to your house, or choose to stop being friends.Hope I helped! ☺☻~monk7monk

What should you talk about when you don't know what to say to a friend?

You can ask open-ended questions about their day, interests, or plans. Share a funny or interesting story from your own life to spark conversation. You could also express genuine curiosity about their experiences or opinions to keep the conversation going.

How do I either move on or confront the situation when last year my friend told my crush I was obsessed with him and he does not talk to me and avoids all contact with me?

It's important to address the situation to regain control and clarity. Consider talking to your friend about the impact of their actions on your relationship with your crush. It might be useful to communicate directly with your crush and address any misunderstandings or concerns they may have. Ultimately, focusing on your self-care and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can help you navigate this challenging situation.

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How do you give constructive criticism?

When a person gives constructive criticism, it should tell the person what they can do better to improve. It should use polite language.

What is a good definition of constructive criticism and feedback?

It is criticism yet it's civilized as to expose the bad points, and give advice to improve upon them. It is not saying: "You are terrible, you should give up." The point is that it be "Constructive".

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With respect to business and the performance of any employee, everyone should be "criticized", although the more popular term is constructive criticism. Because no one is "perfect", everyone has opportunity for improvement. Remember, constructive criticism in the work place isn't personal, it's ment to help the employee, and ultimately the company improve.

How do you tell a friend that they are not being a good friend?

As a friend, you should be honest right? So just be honest, straight forward, tell them exactly what you're feeling. However I'd advise not dumping the name of a bad friend upon them, give constructive criticism or things will not get better, infact may even deteriorate.

How do you respond to criticism at work?

If it is constructive criticism then take it and learn from if. It helps to write it down and come back to if as you may be a bit put off by the manner in which it was delivered or from whom it was given. If it isn't constructive criticism you should take it politely and analyze the way or reason one was giving the criticism (a bad day, frustrated with your performance...). There may be some validity to the criticism even if it is poorly given. Take heart but don't take it to heart.

Can constructive criticism be viewed as negative advice on how to improve oneself?

Constructive criticism is meant to provide feedback on areas for improvement in a way that is helpful and supportive. While it can sometimes be perceived as negative, the intention behind it is to help the individual grow and develop. It should be viewed as an opportunity to learn and make positive changes.

Criticism Is a constructive response to another's self-disclosure?

Criticism, when offered constructively, can provide valuable feedback and insights to help the individual grow and improve. It should be provided with the intention of helping the person rather than tearing them down. Constructive criticism focuses on specific behaviors or actions that can be changed, rather than attacking the person's character or identity.

When giving constructive criticism what should you do first?

Start by providing specific examples of what needs improvement rather than general comments. Offer suggestions for how the individual can address the areas of concern and follow up with positive feedback to balance the criticism.

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1. Giving positive feedback.2. Constructive criticism is always better then negative.3. Sarcasm should be used very carefully while motivating someone.

Is critisism always negative?

Constructive criticism is criticism kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another's person's life or work. Often constructive criticism refers specifically to the critique of someone else's written or artistic work, in perhaps a teacher/student setting, that would allow that person to further improve the work or to improve their approach to future endeavors. However, constructive criticism can also apply to a critical reasoned analysis of a person's behavior, as in a patient/therapist setting or a group therapysetting. Parents also try to employ constructive criticism to help their children improve their lives. The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism. Further, not all people who think they are employing constructive criticism are actually being helpful. They may think all criticism is helpful and may not spare the person any details or couch the criticism in ways least likely to make a person defensive. Communication is loaded with multiple intentions, especially in a parent/child or spousal relationships. Thus people may not know how to actually employ a critique of one aspect of a person without involving their own feelings or frustration that make a critique negative. Generally, constructive criticism should address an area that needs improving but does not speak to the person's self. Constructive criticism should be a reasoned, unemotional response in an effort to teach. In spousal communication, constructive criticism is often shaped as the "I" message: "I feel X, when you say Y." In parental relationships, constructive criticism generally works best when the timing is right. A child who has just lost a game, for instance, might be better served by encouraging words, rather than a performance critique. Later, one might ask the child what she thought about her performance. Asking what was the best thing she did and what was her weakest moment can often open a conversation up to a non-negative way of helping a child improve. Many children know exactly what they did wrong in a game, struck out, dropped a ball, etc, and would rather talk about how to fix it, than to be told what they already know. A similar approach is taken between a therapist and a client. The therapist usually resists direct criticism but helps the client find ways to talk about behaviors and solve problems. This kind of relationship bases its approach on the theory that the therapist best serves the client by helping them identify and resolve problems and issues, instead of pointing out the issues and presenting a solution to the client. In teacher/student relationships, constructive criticism tends to be far more helpful than a blunt critique of a student's defects. Questions on a paper and also praise in some areas can make constructive criticism easier to receive. Although, some students do jump to the point and want to immediately know what they did wrong. Some teachers provide very helpful guidelines prior to a student writing a paper or essay. Telling the student ahead of time that the paper must have five paragraphs, a clear thesis statement, a conclusion, etc, often eliminates problems before they occur. If a student has then not fulfilled the requirements of the essay, help can be given in the areas where the student's performance is weak. In all cases, constructive criticism runs the danger of being perceived as negative. In these situations, it is unlikely that any criticism will actually provide help. Even when a person tries to present criticism in a non-emotional way, it may still be considered a personal attack. The only way to approach this is by truly being constructive, kind and helpful, and realizing that not all people are going to appreciate what you might have to say.

What should i do to strengthen my relationship with my girl friend?

Communication is the foundation of any relationship this way you know what the others wants, needs, goals, feelings etc. are to be able to act on strengthening your relationship in all aspects. Talk more to begin with, then work on things together that may need fine tuning. Be open minded and remember there is always room for improvement so constructive criticism is great!!

What should you do if your best friend hates you because you broker up with her sister?

First off, friends siblings are off limits. Make things right with the sister and give your friend sometime to cool his head. try back on a later occasion.