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Q: Principles of conduct that govern the behavior of an individual are known as?
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Individual determinants of consumer behavior?

Individual DeterminantsThere are five major groups of individual determinants: personality and self concept, motivation and involvement, information processing, learning and memory, and, attitudes.Personalityand self concept provide the consumer with a central theme. That is, they provide structure for the individual so that a consistent pattern of behavior can be developed. Several major personality theories are examined for their usefulness in understanding consumers. How the self concept develops, its role in influencing purchase decisions and the practical relevance of the subject to the marketer are reviewed.Motives are internal factors that energize behavior and provide guidance to direct the activated behavior. Involvement describes the per6sonal relevance or importance that the consumers perceives in a given purchase situation. High involvement will lead to a motivated state. Various types of involvement and motive situation factors that influence them, and their influence on the behavior of consumerThe term Information Processing refers to the activities that consumers engage in when acquiring integrating and evaluating information. These activities involve actively seeking information or passively receiving it, attending to only certain parts of the information, integrating that which has been attended to with information from other sources, and evaluating the information for the purposes of making decisions. Such activities are varied and occur at all stages of the decision process. They also strongly involve some individual factors, including motivation, learning and attitudes. Information processing, introduces these issues and also discuss several marketing strategy areas in which an understanding of the progress can be of considerable benefit to the marketer. However, because of their importance, treatment of these issues is not within the scope of this article.Learning and Memory -What consumers learn, how they learn, and what factors govern the retention of learned material in memory are all issues of considerable importance for understanding consumers. Not only do consumers acquire and remember product names and characteristics, but they also learn standards for judging products, places to shop, problem solving abilities, behavior patterns, and tastes. Such learned material stored in memory significantly influences how consumers react to each situation that they confront.Attitudesguide our basic orientation toward objects, people, events, and our activities. As such, attitudes strongly influence how consumers will act and react to products and services, and how they will respond to communications that marketers develop to convince them to purchase their products. After a review of the nature and function of attitudes, attention is turned to how attitudes are formed and how they are related to purchase behavior.

What is the importance of knowing organizational behavior?

Management knowledge helps managers avoid ways that don't work for them. With experience, they can easily leverage their knowledge to help them improve productivity within their organizations.

Why is the principle of self-government important to maintaining good health?

To govern yourself to what you eat and to how much you exercise helps maintain good health.

Contrast the position of dualism and monism as they apply to the mind body problem?

mind body dualism, the belief that the mind is a spiritual entity not subject to the physical laws that govern the body. monsim holds that the mind is not a separate spiritual entity, mind and body are one, and mental events are simply a product of physical events.

How does having a high self -esteem help you to make healthy choices?

Human being is a kind of social animal. By nature people are egoist. Healthy choices are possible due to good democratic government. Good healthy laws are always required and educate people to understand and respect the laws for healthy living and understanding for other's welfare. Harmful emotion can only be protected by good govern and applying force to stop. Healthy emotion persuade always welfare. Educate people to learn healthy emotion which benefited himself as well as the society,country athe entire world.

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Explain the concepts of values, belief systems and ethics as they apply to your organization?

Values: The fundamental principles and ideals that guide an organization's behavior and decision-making. They represent what an organization stands for and what it believes in. Belief systems: The set of attitudes, values, and convictions that shape an individual's or organization's perception of the world and how it operates. Belief systems can influence behavior and decision-making. Ethics: The principles and standards of conduct that govern an individual's or organization's behavior. Ethical behavior is based on moral values and principles such as honesty, fairness, respect, and responsibility.

What are the laws that govern ones behavior?

It depends on ones principles

What are moral principles that govern a person's behavior?

Answer this question… Ethics

What are the moral principles that govern a person's behavior?

Answer this question… Ethics

What are the moral principals that govern a person's behavior?

Moral principles that govern a person's behavior include honesty, integrity, compassion, fairness, and respect for others. These principles guide individuals in making ethical decisions and treating others with kindness and consideration. Personal values and beliefs also play a role in shaping an individual's moral compass.

Branch of philosophy concerned with moral principles?

Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with moral principles that govern individual behavior and how people should interact with one another in society. It explores concepts such as right and wrong, good and bad, and the values that guide human conduct. Ethical theories provide frameworks for analyzing moral dilemmas and making ethical decisions.

What is a word for a set of values?

The word is ethics. It means moral principles that govern a person's behavior.

Is among other things a set of rules and standards that govern individual conduct?


Which of the following terms means "a law, rule, or principle designed to control or govern conduct or behavior"?


What is the code of conduct that was to govern the behavior of all knights?

Chivalry was used by knights as a code of conduct; it is similar to the laws instilled by governmental structures in today's society.

Why Unethical behavior is not always illegal?

Ethic is the set of rules or principles govern by any organization. following those principles represents the ethical behavior. When a person shows unethical behavior; it means he is going against the rules or principles of that organization which will be counted as illegal. therefore, unethical behavior is always counted as illegal conducts.

What are the components of an ethical code of conduct?

An ethical code of conduct typically includes principles, values, and guidelines that govern the behavior and actions of individuals within an organization. It often covers areas such as integrity, honesty, respect, fairness, accountability, and transparency. Additionally, it may outline specific rules and standards for addressing conflicts of interest, confidentiality, and compliance with laws and regulations.