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I can't speak to Religion in general, but to Christianity and The Bible.. *If we view psychology as "mental ploys and strategies" for treatment of illness, we have to be weary. Many common treatments can be very helpful and curative, but some are purely human opinion, even bordering on spiritism, conflict with Bible teachings and could even be dangerous . Each treatment would have to be examined individually to be sure it does not go against God's principles. *If we view psychology as a basic 'science of human behavior', it can be useful, since understanding people is an important part of a Christian's life. We're told at Proverbs 19:11 that "the insight of a man slows down his anger…" Insight is defined as "an understanding of the motivational forces behind one's actions". Understanding human behavior, and the reasons behind a behavior, can help us be forgiving and less angry over someone's questionable actions. Matthew 7:1-5 tells us to Stop judging others…." Why, do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Allow me to extract the straw from your eye'; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother's eye. This involves SELF examination and understanding our OWN behavior. How much more valuable we can be to others if we first deal with our OWN issues, see our OWN faults, overcome our OWN improper thinking, before we find fault with anyone else. This involves some SELF analysis and insight.

Matthew 7:12, the well known 'Golden rule' tells us to treat others the way WE want to be treated. If we think about it, we ALL want to be treated with consideration ; to be understood for who we really are. Only then can someone give us what we need. Therefore, in order to treat OTHERS the way they want to be treated, we have to KNOW what they want. That takes insight into the knowledge of THEIR human behavior. For psychology to be useful, it must harmonize with the Bible.(Jeremiah 8:9) So much of the Christian Greek scriptures involve "keeping an eye on the interests of others", "making our minds over", "putting on the new personality", involving our gaining insight into, understanding of, patience with others, all of which requires a knowledge of human behavior, our own and other people's. So Psychology and Religion CAN go together.

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9mo ago

Psychology and religion can be complementary in addressing aspects of human behavior, emotion, and well-being. Some psychological theories explore the role of spirituality in mental health, while religious beliefs can influence coping strategies and provide a sense of meaning and purpose for individuals. However, conflicts may arise when religious beliefs clash with evidence-based psychological principles.

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Where can I get a clinical psychology degree?

I would go to UMass or BU for psychology. They are great psychology schools.

How do philososophy physiology and religion influence the development of psychology?

Philosophy provided early foundations on the mind and behavior, influencing psychology's focus on understanding consciousness and mental processes. Physiology's study of the brain and nervous system led to a biological perspective in psychology, emphasizing the role of biology in behavior. Religion has influenced psychology through spiritual and existential questions about the nature of human existence and emotions.

What was psychology known as before is was psychology?

Psychology was known as philosophy or mental philosophy before it became an independent scientific discipline. Early philosophers like Aristotle and Plato discussed topics related to human behavior and the mind that laid the foundation for psychology as a separate field of study.

What are the two greek words of psychology?

The two Greek words that make up the term "psychology" are "psyche," which means soul or mind, and "logos," which means study or discourse. When combined, these words form "psychology," which is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. The field of psychology encompasses various subfields, such as cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, and developmental psychology.

What are all the branches and fields of psychology?

There are ten branches of Psychology not two. Abnormal Psychology; Behavioral Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Community Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Educational Psychology; Evolutionary Psychology; Legal Psychology; and Personality Psychology.

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