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they don't look to happy the ones that know they have it they try to be the somebody else but they survive if they believe in jesus and god thats the medicine

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Q: Reaction to HIV and AIDS in adults?
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How can aids get?

You can get AIDS from your bodies reaction to HIV.

What kind of AIDS is Kenya facing?

The bad kind. HIV/AIDS. Between 1,400,000 and 1,800,000 adults were living with HIV/AIDS by the end of 2007.

Who does AIDS occur in?

Mostly older adults, but it occurrs in people who have HIV, since HIV lowers your immune system.

Who mostly gets AIDS children or adults?

In general, AIDS is a disease of adults. This is because HIV is spread primarily through sexual intercourse, and most children are not involved in sexual intercourse. However, there is a subset of the child population that become infected with HIV during birth that do go on to develop pediatric AIDS.

Does a fever blister mean you have HIV or AIDS?

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores or oral herpes, are an extremely common problem affecting the majority of adults. They are not a sign of HIV or AIDS.

What is the importance of epidemiology in HIV AIDS?

The importance of studing hiv and aids The importance of studing hiv and aids

Are there vaccinations for HIV or AIDS?

There are no vaccinations for HIV or AIDS.

Who can get HIV AIDS?

anybody can get HIV and then move on to aids.

Is it true that if you are infected with AIDS then you have HIV?

Correct...HIV can lead to AIDS and AIDS can only be caused be the HIV virus.

How is aids and HIV different?

HIV is an early form of aids. Every one who has AIDS had HIV at one point.

What is the difference between having HIV and Aids?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Hence, HIV in the virus and AIDS is the disease that results from the virus.

How is HIV diffetent from aids?

HIV is a virus; AIDS is a disease.