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Q: Risk-taking behaviors could lead to aggressive driving?
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How much could aggressive driving lower your gas mileage?

It can decrease your mileage by 75%.

Are male dogs more vishos?

Some male dogs could be aggressive but not all of them especially if they are highly trained because then they are taught not to bite or misbehave in any inappropriate behaviors.

What is aggressive behavior that humans consider to be ''unnecessary''?

There are many unnecessary, aggressive behaviors. Rape and bullying are among the first to come to mind. We could also include most crimes, cutting people off on the highway, and people who start trouble with strangers. So most forms of aggression outside of self-defense are unnecessary.

How can you tell if your fish is angry?

Fish exhibit all kinds of aggressive behaviors: sometimes they bite and chase other fish; sometimes they hide from view. But these behaviors have been explained by scientists as instinctual behaviors that the fish need to defend territory and acquire food. It is not correct that we attribute human emotions like "anger' onto these behaviors, but yet again, we cannot speak the language of "fish" and we do not know for certain that they could simply be really angry about something!

Where did the term john L while driving come from?

I've never heard of the name in connection with driving, but since John L Sullivan was a heavyweight boxer before their were Marquis of Queensberry rules for boxing existed; it could be a reference to someone who is a very aggressive driver.

Is aggressive dogs a sign of no discipline?

Aggressiveness in dogs could be caused from abuse, lack of attention, and no discipline or training. Some breeds may have more aggression in their genes for instance; the pit bull dog. Most bad behaviors can be reversed. Find a good dog trainer.

What behaviors are unacceptable in Poland?

i have no idea i guess it could be slapping your mother

When your values and behaviors do not coincide this could be construed as dissonance or disharmony?


What are the consequnces for dog fighting?

That the dog's could both either die or both become very aggressive and due to aggressive behaviour, could be put down as it may become aggressive to humans. Really isn't a bright idea and is illegal in some countries.

What is a 10 letter word for hostile or assertive?

This could be aggressive.

What sentence could you use for learned behaviors?

you could use: An example of a learned behavior is learning how to read.

Does a passive aggressive personality respond to shut you up or not hear you?

Passive Aggressive Behavior is part of being a Destructive Narcissist. They could do both.