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the immortality of the soul can be explained

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Q: The most obvious result of Descartes distinguishing the mind from the body is?
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Did descartes believe that the mind and body were linked together?

Descartes believed that the nature of the mind was completely separate from the nature of the body. This concept formed the dualism philosophy.

What were hera distinguishing features?

Beautiful body

Why is descartes certain the mind and body cannot be parts of the same entity?

Descartes is certain that the mind and body cannot be parts of the same entity because of different functionality.

How did spinoza solve descartes' problem of the interaction of mind and body?

Unlike Descartes, Spinoza believed that the mind was an extension of the body, and vice versa. He thought that there was only one type of substance, a divine substance, of which the mind and body were part. As one thing, the mind and body could interact in harmony, not the discord Descartes was concerned with.

Was René Descartes a dualist?

This is a math category and Rene Descartes is a Philosopher... And yes, he is a dualist. Most famously for the mind/body problem...

Which philosopher rejected the idea that the mind is seperable from the body?


What is Rene Descartes compromise?

his certainty of his mind rather than body

What did René Descartes develop?

cartesian or duality of the mind/ body theory.

Who is the philosopher credited with creating the dualistic split between mind and body?


Which philosopher most clearly regected the idea that the mind is separable from the body?


Who emphasized that mental process could exist independently of physical states or the body?


Who is the earlt french philosopher who believe that mind and body are 2 separate entities?
