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Q: What Early Modern artistic trend was influenced by Sigmund Freud to focus on the subconscious mind and the turmoil of inner emotions?
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What 20th-century figures influenced Modernist literature through his groundbreaking work on the subconscious?

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following 20th-century figures influenced Modernist literature through their groundbreaking work on the subconscious?

Sigmund Freud .

Why was Salvador Dali interested in Sigmund Freud?

Most surrealist painters were interested in the subconscious, as was Sigmund Freud.

Who popularized psychology and the idea of the human subconscious?

Sigmund Freud :)

Sigmund Freud considered what to be the largest part of the mind?

According to the vast amount of research that Sigmund Freud did on the subconscious it is most likely that he believed the subconscious was indeed the largest part of the mind, and responsible for the majority of human behavior.

Whose scientific writing influenced Sigmund Freud?

The works of Ernst Brücke and Hermann von Helmholtz were particularly influential on Sigmund Freud's scientific writing. Freud credited their neurobiological research with shaping his understanding of the brain and nervous system, which in turn influenced his development of psychoanalytic theory.

Who was the physician who greatly influenced Sigmund Freud in his early years?

Josef Breuer

How did studies on the subconscious influences the literary movement of modernism?

Modernist writers tried to show the subconscious thoughts of their characters -Apex

Who believed that human behavior is governed by the unconsciousness mind?

Sigmund Freud believed that human behavior is governed by the unconscious mind.Human sexual behavior is a complex mix of subconscious urges, human instinct, cultural expectations and individual upbringing. Which of these dominates behavior in any given situation depends on the variables linked to the situation.

What effect did Sigmund Freud's therories have on contemporary thought?

That humans can be influenced by their id, ego, and superego.

How theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice?

The theories of development and frameworks of psychoanalytical theory were established by the psychologist Sigmund Freud. His theories of development influenced the current practice of childhood development. Freud related to children by helping them understand emotions, behavior and actions.

What influenced surrealism?

The Surrealist movement started in Paris. This was started by a group of people who believed the unconscious mind brought the power of imagination which was repressed by the conscious mind. Sigmund Freud powerfully influenced this movement.