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An act might not be illegal OR immoral, it may be able to be both; illegal acts are things that are by law not allowed, so things like murder, rape, theft, speeding etc. the serious offences are immoral also. speeding is moral or immoral depending on the situation like if you are on the way to hospital speeding may be considered moral but it breaks the law.

immoral acts are acts that are not necessarily illegal, they are just believed to be wrong. Like in most countries abortion is now allowed but some people believe it is immoral, but isn't illegal.

Immoral acts are things that society or the individual themselves believes to be wrong, so if you think smoking is wrong then it is an immoral act.

immoral acts also include things such as;




Many religions say sex outside marriage is immoral and that cohabitation is immoral.

euthanasia is illegal but may not be immoral.

Source: A2 law student currently studying Law and Morality

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Q: What acts are illegal or immoral?
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