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Q: What are the characteristics of early mature boys and girls?
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Are girls more mature than boys?

yes.girls do mature way faster then boys. girls mature between 18,19,or 20.i think boys mature when they are like 26 or close to their 30's. I dont think so and im a girl boys just dont mature faster. My sister is in 8th grade and all the boys there are immature and she and all her friends are mature.

Are boys better children than girls?

well... girls are more mature than boys and are always sensible but boys are more mature when there about 13

Are girls mentally more mature than boys?

Yes, girls do mature faster than boys, girls brains develop faster than boys. Girls have mature brains at about 20, boys at around 25. This fact does not affect the abilities or character of either; other factors affect those and are not gender specific.

Who thinks faster boys or girls?

I think girls because they grow more mature and faster , than boys .

Are one year boys taller on average than one year old girls?

Why in the world does height matter at one first of all, but anyway girls appear taller than boys early on because they mature and stop growing before boys.

Why do girls fall for the much older guys?

Girls may be attracted to older guys because they may offer a sense of security, stability, and maturity that they perceive as lacking in younger men. Additionally, older men may also have more life experience, confidence, and financial stability, which can be appealing qualities. Ultimately, individual preferences and dynamics in relationships vary, so there is no one definitive answer.

Are girls better at school than boys?

Because girls mature faster than boys because they have more problems in life to mature with. But boys don't really care bout those kinds of problems.

Why are boys always bad?

Let's just say that boys do not mature as fast as girls do.

Are boys taller than girls during 8 years old?

Well, height completely depends on the Growth Hormone. But on an average, girls appear taller than boys during the early years because girls mature fast and then stop growing. At 8 years, girls are taller than boys on an average.

Why do boys find girls attractive?

As boys mature, they develop these hormones that attract them to girls. Scientifically, it's hard to explain.

Why are girls more mature than boys?

it depends on who you ask girls usually say yes guys usually say no im a guy and i say yes because i know guys and they aren't to bright sometimes lol i thought u asked ARE they more mature my bad

How long does a kid take to learn to be mature?

It normally takes boys longer to mature then girls. Boy