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Q: What area of the brain is associated with classical conditioning and motor movements?
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What part of the brain stores classical conditioning stored?

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What part of the body is associated with the greatest amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex?

The face is the body part that is associated with the greatest amount of brain tissue in the motor cortex. The motor cortex is the part of the brain that does the controlling and execution of movements.

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Type I, also known as classical lissencephaly, is distinguished by the smooth surface of the cerebral cortex and an abnormal four-layered cortex. Classical lissencephaly can be associated with abnormalities of the rest of the brain

The somatic nervous system carries signals to?

The somatic nervous system is associated with the control of body movements. It carries signals to the brain to tell the body how to move.

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Skeletal muscles control voluntary movements.

Posterior portion of the brain that coordinates muscle movement?

The brain stem controls muscle movements. Even involuntary movements are controlled by the tiny brain stem. Without the use of your brain stem, you will not "remember" how to do the simplest task.

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