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Most people who have a big ego but really have a low self esteem are usually insecure. They have a big ego to compensate for their insecurities.

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Q: What behavior does one exihibit if they have a super ego but low selfesteem?
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Which step on the Hierarchy of needs describe Juan out look on life?

Self-esteem/ego describes Juan's outlook on life.

Do serial killers have super ego?

Serial killers may not necessarily have a well-developed super ego. The super ego represents an individual's moral and ethical sense, which helps restrain impulsive and violent actions. Serial killers often exhibit a lack of empathy, disregard for societal norms, and a tendency towards violence, indicating a weak super ego. However, it is essential to note that each individual is unique, and psychological factors can vary among serial killers.

How do you use super-ego in a sentence?

The super-ego aims for perfection.

How does underdevelop super ego contribute to crime?

untrained superego that involves our mind with moral values constitute immoral behavior.

What is super ego?

and super ego is a part of your personality that judes your right and wrong

What are some examples of id - ego - and super ego?

example of id is an action without a consequence example of super ego is a phobia to id without the fear factor example of ego is a mediator to id and super ego

Where did the word ego originate from?

The word ego is the Latin form of the first person singular pronoun. It derives from the Indo-European root eg, which appears in English as I and in German as ichThe technical term ego came from Dr. Sigmund Freud as part of his theory concerning human behavior and repressed urges. His theory states that people have an id, ego, and super ego. The ego is part of the id and it represses infantile urges by the id. At a later stage the super ego develops out of the ego determining what is acceptable to the ego and what needs to be repressed. Repressions disappear from consciousness but live in the id. The job of the psychoanalysis is to uncover the repressions for what they are and to replace them by acts of judgement.

Whatb were Freud's three psychic apparatuses?

Id, Ego, Superego

What three main theories of dreams?

1) ID 2) Ego 3) Super-ego

How does ego affect human behavior?

Ego is a negative emotion in the human beings. It is the thing where one believes that he is the superior.

Did Freud think that a threat to the ego result in anxiety?

No, Freud believed that the super-ego punished the ego with anxiety. He believed threats to the ego were generally reacted to with deception, fantasy, and thought.

What is id ego and super igo?

The id is pretty much the pleasure principle. It is the selfish side of you and is also called your wild side. The super ego is the morality principle. It is the bossy and rigid side of your personality. These two class against each other constantly. The ego is the reality principle. It mediates between the id and the super ego to get a balance between the two.